Monday, February 28, 2011

What Happened To Javatalk?

Chinese New Year, I repeat it several times our driver, is like our Christmas. There are a couple of rules to follow. One, you have to visit family and relatives, two, you make gifts. The corollary of the first is a mass exodus that emptied the city workers, ayi , labor, willing to do anything to return home by parents and children. It is no easy escape, because most can not afford a plane because the train tickets you can buy at most one week before and many coaches "official" follow the system may go up and get in line. Then there are the abusive coaches, who charge money to do much more than the permitted number of passengers (many of whom have to travel by foot or by land) and not run into the police checks travel national and provincial roads, from a certain point in the same country roads. There is also a reverse flow, to those who can afford a holiday and put then on their way to the cities of interest (Shanghai, Beijing, Xian, Hangzhou and Suzhou also yes). The result is an impressive movement of human beings that you can afford only one, maybe two times a year, for China to stop "producing" has its costs.

on gifts is the golden rule and ruthless in this country: money, unless one has them. For those who gave them to the money, flowers and fruit (sealed in colorful baskets in which the fruits are so fake you look shiny and perfect). We get two pots of flowers from our agent handyman and a beautiful purple orchid by our landlord, who is financially well and visit me when I call to report a fault or a fault in the apartment, hair line with blacks licked on the one hand, casual wear-researched, strictly leather shoes with side lacing, not central to the shoe. Leather jacket and high waist bag under his arm. From our driver - with a slight lag due to a delayed return home, area Hefei (Yellow Mountain) - I get 25 eggs, assures me of hens are kept and cared for by his mother, and two bottles of clay containing oil sesame always in the region. This time could not - I do not know if as a matter of time, money, opportunity or other - to bring us the bai jiu (distilled spirits, or "white liquor"), but we will take him in April. Our ayi gives us two white rabbits cardboard hanging on the door. Our daughter was attached to tigers and it was not easy to impose the rabbit, now you - by associating it with the endless evenings of fireworks and loud barrels - an animal considered extremely noisy!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Difference Adult Junior Snow Ski Boot

Zhongguo Chinese New Year, the country where there is no "medium"

Capita, like me these days, that China is close to you. Or then I have to be too large for her. Overbearing and uncontrollable comes the need to distance themselves from this world, the need and the desire to give pain to stop, or even distress, to understand. As my Terzani this month, I have the feeling that what is around me is made to last a single season. Maybe I'm wrong then, and tomorrow I deny.

When you leave, she - China - somehow you are starting. Not with gentleness and love, no. Quite the contrary. Here is revealed in those folds and in those wounds that when the mood is high and life is full it's easy - and pretty soon - Not to see. Those creases and that all those wounds - a must clear the victims themselves - are scrambling to cover up and hide. Arms are stretched out furtively in rubbish bins to check their contents. However, arms, back on its feet until reaching the face, at first glance I would say a little square with the appearance, position, location of the person. Unsuspecting women in my compound. The vigilantes in uniform stationed in the parking lots between Mercedes and BMW, in front of several Starbucks, Cold Stone & Company, who pretended to take a tour of patrol approach the tables abandoned just to check whether the contents of cups and bowls.

The fault is now also inflation, the food, I do not mean much. + 10% in a few weeks. For the mass worthy of the name, a sentence of hunger. Jasmine or not, this would be enough to fill the squares. The streets of this country that, apart from and mockery of its name, the "middle" has nothing. You're either rich or you are poor. Or die of cold or hot. Either you or someone you're not really anyone. But also: spend or nothing for rice and vegetables cooked on the street in darkened containers of fortune, or spend 40 euro for a pound of cherries. Or pay the gold imported olive oil, or pay nothing for the oil extracted from discharges of homes and kitchens. But still less than the filtered sewers. No, you're China, in the middle you have nothing, not even in terms of feelings. Or you're innocently on your side, or you're terrible enemy. Or are submissive and acquiescent smile, or even see us. In short, you or you love or you hate it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Alima Pure Blush Review

Dance & Acrobatics - UP show, Suzhou SSCAC

dances, acrobatics, opera. Briefcase and coordination, physical strength and elasticity, drama and emotions. The ingredients are all there, the script and the symbols are self-congratulatory Discount China. Dancers, acrobats and singers perform with diligence, showing that everyone has studied and knows its part, does not matter - and who would notice then? - If the collection is a bit 'wooden and mechanical. De-sentimentalized. The note on which it relies for involving the public is a bit ironic 'burlesque a bit' naïve , because in the end make a joke of it plays down and relaxes the tone (it is often the case, not only in China) .

is the result surprises me. Basically absent-minded, more interested in settling on the best seats to change seats to two, three times for some reason - certainly not for a better perspective -, the busy strip in place and handbags and bags in tow, more inclined to shop around for see what the rest of the audience. A noisy audience, very disciplined, very attentive to the stunts, which comes in too late nell'applauso. An audience of various ages who discards food, drinks, nibbles seeds, said out loud, tickling the laughter of friends and family with jokes that I fear have nothing to do with what runs before his eyes. There are those who teases the back, who slips from the back of his cap, simulating a launch object to the stage, who - out loud - do not know what kind of guide to an old lady embarrassed and confused, obviously out of place, that instead of following spins and pirouettes observes me.

We are the only two foreigners, as in many other occasions, I have the feeling that we are the real attraction.

I especially feel that artists who want to say I agree with submission and servility on stage are not the protagonists, but only a misuse of funds, movement and music background fillers. A nice little frame. In defiance to the ticket price (no small by Chinese standards), this gathering of family clan seems to use this opportunity to be a foil or as a ground for self-amusement and play, as if implying - with gestures and manners - that these animated mannequins, as such, are not worthy of attention, respect, appreciation, but not only of silence. Has a strange effect. There is a lack of composure. And the relationship they have with the performer is television, that look at the pictures on the screen only if and when you want, without disrupting their daily business, without having any or empathy towards those that are creating the content.

Ha, whatever, something reminiscent of the instincts and impulses give vent to crowded arenas and screaming of the past. It has everything, much less to do with a certain ethics of the public, even paying, for it can not afford everything.

How To Remove Bug Bite Scars

Baobei event - Help Chinese Orphans

Stumble this new initiative to collect Baobei di fondi a favore dei bambini orfani in Cina. L'evento/cena si terrà al Napa, Shanghai, zona Tomorrow square.

Fields/Napa "Warm Your Heart Dinner" Steve Liang, Fields General Manager, and Matthew Ona, Napa's Executive Chef, are excited to make this long talked about dinner event a reality. They personally share our passion to help Chinese orphans and will be donating 100 % of the proceeds. Raffles and a string quartet will complete the evening. Feb 19th 7-10pm 358RMB RSVP to: Anita Haycook at

Esserci, per loro conta.

Why Does My Throat Hurt Every Night

Macao has been an explosion of colors. The blue sky and clear air gave a hand. The light seemed perfect: vivid colors, shapes and perspective in continuous full refresh, that mix that I think make the joy of a photographer.

Among Cine taken, sold and then returned, Macao, seemed to me that most sports stores and the outcome of a match before and after the merger - between east and west - ; that there could be at deeper levels, but also more visible and palpable, then a closer look connote depth. A diffusion of architectural styles, culinary traditions, languages \u200b\u200band faces at all bewildering, indeed, taste a bit 'of the successful prohibited.

The profile of a Christian church that overlaps with that of a pagoda. Signs and road signs bilingual in Portuguese and Mandarin, the dim sum and rice noodles sold in a street kiosk stationed in front of perhaps a typical inn where you serve rice with seafood and the famous bacalao to Portuguese.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mount And Blade Ubuntu

Macao Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Hong Kong

The first, the island of Hong Kong is the financial and commercial heart, the industry would say more british, futuristic skyscrapers and huge shopping mall connected to each other by bridges, tunnels, under and overpass, so that - in order - an open air might never get out. And given the traffic in some ways, is not all that damage. Wedged between sea and hills, this land line among the most exploited and built the world worked on the ground in order to use every inch put at bay and the sea on one side, the green slopes on the other. There soho, in the middle, reminiscent of what the Chinese more face of this strip of land once China and the United Kingdom, now a hybrid, perhaps by fate uncertain.

missed - on the island of Hong Kong - there are, I think the trip to the Victoria Peak , the highest hill behind the town, which offers - weather permitting - a unique view of the world. From there, the universe is an ocean beneath the stalagmites, missiles ready to launch, framed by the blue sea, the mountains on the horizon of the New Territories. Worth the walk that goes around the hill.

Then there's Maxim (Maxim's Palace City Hall Dim - 1 Edinburgh Pl 3rd fl, Low Block), perhaps the most famous restaurant to eat dim sum . It is not easy to find, OK, and then make sure you get to 11 for not having to wait an hour standing up. They do not accept reservations. One large room, curtains important, round tables, tablecloths, pottery and silverware, a magnificent glance, a swarm of people and waiters, food transported by truck a bit 'creaky driven by uniformed waitresses seem gait also a bit 'dazed amid the loud shouting and gesturing animated bystanders, some regulars, who at the first meal. More than for a single detail (food, service, location , none of which perhaps excellent) I would say the experience is a holistic point of view.

Beyond the contrast between old and new, modern and traditional, British and Cantonese, megalomaniac and deeply human, it is surprising geographical diversity, the variety of nature, certainly complicit in the sea, the infinity of islands and islets, the ups and downs, the lush vegetation. Maybe just take a taxi directly from Victoria Peak and head south towards Aberdeen Stanley first and then, through the white sand of Repulse Bay. Change architecture, change colors, change plans, we find ourselves to eat outside on the promenade by the rhythms and vices of Europe.

Speaking of variety, diversity is at home in anthropological Kowloon. Here, yes, it is imperative to mention melting pot, multiculturalism, multi-ethnic neighborhoods. I think Indian women at the Kowloon Park. Gathered in small groups, some plastic sheeting on the floor, legs stretched and barefoot, happily busy - with a visceral aplomb - preparing food, mix the ingredients and mix colors. Busy with other cards, to decorate varied merchandise. Other hair, eyes blacks blacks black leather in the sun, lying comfortably talk, smile, eat.

Hong Kong, December 2010