Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Alima Pure Blush Review

Dance & Acrobatics - UP show, Suzhou SSCAC

dances, acrobatics, opera. Briefcase and coordination, physical strength and elasticity, drama and emotions. The ingredients are all there, the script and the symbols are self-congratulatory Discount China. Dancers, acrobats and singers perform with diligence, showing that everyone has studied and knows its part, does not matter - and who would notice then? - If the collection is a bit 'wooden and mechanical. De-sentimentalized. The note on which it relies for involving the public is a bit ironic 'burlesque a bit' naïve , because in the end make a joke of it plays down and relaxes the tone (it is often the case, not only in China) .

is the result surprises me. Basically absent-minded, more interested in settling on the best seats to change seats to two, three times for some reason - certainly not for a better perspective -, the busy strip in place and handbags and bags in tow, more inclined to shop around for see what the rest of the audience. A noisy audience, very disciplined, very attentive to the stunts, which comes in too late nell'applauso. An audience of various ages who discards food, drinks, nibbles seeds, said out loud, tickling the laughter of friends and family with jokes that I fear have nothing to do with what runs before his eyes. There are those who teases the back, who slips from the back of his cap, simulating a launch object to the stage, who - out loud - do not know what kind of guide to an old lady embarrassed and confused, obviously out of place, that instead of following spins and pirouettes observes me.

We are the only two foreigners, as in many other occasions, I have the feeling that we are the real attraction.

I especially feel that artists who want to say I agree with submission and servility on stage are not the protagonists, but only a misuse of funds, movement and music background fillers. A nice little frame. In defiance to the ticket price (no small by Chinese standards), this gathering of family clan seems to use this opportunity to be a foil or as a ground for self-amusement and play, as if implying - with gestures and manners - that these animated mannequins, as such, are not worthy of attention, respect, appreciation, but not only of silence. Has a strange effect. There is a lack of composure. And the relationship they have with the performer is television, that look at the pictures on the screen only if and when you want, without disrupting their daily business, without having any or empathy towards those that are creating the content.

Ha, whatever, something reminiscent of the instincts and impulses give vent to crowded arenas and screaming of the past. It has everything, much less to do with a certain ethics of the public, even paying, for it can not afford everything.


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