Monday, April 26, 2010

Thanking Mail After Interview

The Marriage of Figaro - Summary

finally finished the song by song analysis of "The Marriage of Figaro", here's a handy list of all the posts in recent months:

- Introduction

- Ouverture

- Duettino " Five ... ten ... twenty ... thirty ... " (Figaro, Susanna)
- duet: " If by chance the night is calling you Ma'am " (Figaro, Susanna)
- Cavatina: " If you want to dance, Mr. Contino " (Figaro)
- Air: "Revenge , oh, vengeance "(Bartolo)
- Duettino" Street remains served, madam brilliant "(Marcellina, Susanna)
- Air:" I do not know what I am, what I do "(Cherubino)
- Trio:" What I hear ! Go at once "(Conte, Basilio, Susanna)
- Chorus:" Young happy, spread flowers "
- Aria:" No more will you , amorous butterfly "(Figaro)

Act II - Cavatina " Grant, love, some " (Countess)
- Song: " voix" (Cherubino)
- Aria: "Come , kneel " (Susanna)
- (Replacement Air): " A motion joy "(Susanna)
- Trio:" Susanna, or via, sorties "(Count, Countess, Susanna)
- Duettino" Open, quickly, open "(Susanna, Cherubino)
- Finale: "Exit henceforth, born brat "

Act III - Duettino " Heartless! Why has " (Count, Susanna)
- Recitative and Aria: "You've already won the cause! - Shall I live "(Conte)
- Sextet:" Recognize in this embrace "(Marcellina, Figaro, Bartolo, Count, Don Curzio, Susanna)
- read:" Come, come, good page - I say to you, Mr. "
- Recitative and Aria:" E Susanna does not come - Where are the good times "(Countess)
- Duettino:" On the breeze ... - What a gentle zephyr "(Susanna, Contessa)
- Chorus:" Receive, beloved "
- Finale:" Here the march, we "

Act IV - Cavatina:" I lost "(Barbarina)
- Air:" The goat and the goat "(Marcellina)
- Aria:" In those years in which val little "(Basil)
- Recitative and Aria:" All is willing - Open a little 'quegl'occhi "(Figaro)
- Recitative and Aria:" At last the moment - Come now, do not delay "(Susanna)
- (Replacement Air):" The desire of one who adores "(Susanna)
- Finale:" I'll come over Softly at "


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