Friday, December 31, 2010

Creating Castle Max 3ds Blueprints

and Happy New Year 新年 快乐

Poised between the beginning of the year and our year-end them, who calls him a Happy New Year 2011, 新年 快乐 who is preparing to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit!

Suspended Between the year of Our beginning and the end of Their year, HAPPY NEW YEAR to Those who call it 2011, 新年 快乐 to get ready to Those Who year celebrated the rabbit!

Chiara, Suzhou (Shanghai) 2010/2011

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Yoga Poses For Degenerative Disc Disease

village of Tai O - Lantau Island (Hong Kong)

of this five-day trip to explore Hong Kong I feel I want to start from the end. From the village of Tai O on the southwest coast of the island of Lantau (to understand that where there are - in the far east - even the airport in Hong Kong and Disneyland) that the Hong Kong designer shopping malls, skyscrapers and futuristic views grandiose breathtaking does not really nothing to see. And this is what the bottom really fascinated me, beyond the fact that they had had the place nor the time nor the opportunity nor the way to get an idea Before you set foot. We arrive by taxi, after checking in at the train station, after reaching the airport on the train modern Jet-express and taking a local taxi blue, unlike red and green to the island of Hong Kong and Kowloon, is not outside waiting for us. We are having to wait for him. And this, I should have known at the time, could be the harbinger of a certain way of being the place that I discovered shortly thereafter. the place - Tai O - I knew nothing except the bare and neutral description read in the guide. The change that we encounter along the way we perceive it, during those 40 minutes by taxi from the flat landscape cut straight roads with multiple lanes and huge housing complexes leads us gradually into a winding up and down among the green hills behind which to Whether you can see the sea, sometimes a bay, at times a barren slope, even for a moment the giant Buddha sitting on top of the hill that rises to Ngong Ping . The machine shoots, the body is a bit 'stretched to anticipate or counter the light bounced back seat. But the eye and captures the lightning three-dimensionality of this landscape is well preserved, a little disturbed by man. Filiamo away quickly leaving behind all the reasons known and glamorous that attract tourists to Hong Kong.

Tai O is a village of pile dwellings in the river along the south-western part of Lantau . The first piles were built and used centuries ago by nomadic fishermen, Tanka the . In the time were destroyed by hurricanes, storms and fires, each time rebuilt in different materials, today mostly made of tin and aluminum. The effect is surreal. Were it not for the human component - the local people living on fishing and related products - seem to have arrived on the set of a film set not in the present, but not in the future even in the past, declined in an age without a name.

Walking along the narrow streets of the village, surrounded by these timeless buildings glinting in the sun and hardly recall to a type of house known for our times, rummage through the interior of the stilts clean and decent, I am happy to pick up the signals and sounds of a joyful life and strives to invent around the sea, its products, its challenges. The few square meters of these shelters are an example of efficiency, wise and clever use of space, creativity and imagination of practice have been forgotten by most. Everything revolves around the activities of fishing, being and fish processing, preparation of shrimp paste. The smell is topic, sometimes almost sickening to modern so cleaned up our noses.

So much of what you see is difficult to understand at first, because we lack the comparisons, the past, the generic reference. Yolks dried in the sun, fish hanging between the clothes hanging in the sun , miniorticelli derived from a Canadian and the other using tanks and vessels of all sizes, buckets and baskets of fresh fish is still alive, stumps of dying fish, dried fish already in the most diverse forms, a skewer or in bags, or packaged ready-to- consumption.

Every Canadian is a world unto itself, with its interior, the terrace overlooking the water, the boat ready, fishing tools and objects of all kinds piled up in every inch available space. But every Canadian is also the detail of a set uniform, cohesive, more or less fragile, where human beings live in and with nature without trying to dominate at all costs. There are shops, taverns, a bakery, a temple the sixteenth century, a school, a bus station, wooden bridges, laboratories manufacturing of products derived from fish, and then some water, piers, boats multicolored the people who live here intently - without haste - to carry out their work, animating scenes for us visitors and daily life so primordial that it seems staged to art. Except that it does not.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Chlorophyll Liquid Or Powder

Summary (20) - A reading intrapsychic / 2

Let's see the story on the side of "her".

always women are led to believe in Prince Charming and waiting for him to solve their problems. This is a misconception full of dire consequences. It makes women passive and relegates to a subordinate role of human activity, felt as savior and giver of love and life. It is true that there is in fairy tales always a Prince Charming to awaken Sleeping Beauty, and resolve the situation, and a young hero myths appears ready to face the dragon to kill it and free the princess, but after the teaching of Jung in these stories must finally make a symbolic meaning and learn how to read basic steps "intrapsychic," that is linked to the intimate story of each woman and her emancipation from one situation to a child and dependent "adult" and mistress of herself and all of its resources.
Prince Charming symbolizes the masculine in the woman, the Animus, the need to activate your inner knight to free a female prisoner of fear, and too passive and conventions of millennia of patriarchal culture, which on one hand wants the woman weak and submissive, unable to fend for itself, but on the other, idealized as sweet and loving mother, faithful wife, the angel of the house.

in the tale of Turandot, there are two female figures representing two diametrically opposed attitudes, each of which may prevail in reality. There may be a woman closer to Liu, loving and obedient servant of the patriarchal system but, probably repeating the maternal model, which removed part of the independent and living in the shadow of man through their dedication, often not to notice never be loved for itself but for its services. In " Women who love too much "by Robin Norwood (ed. Feltrinelli) we find a comprehensive description of this type of woman and the compulsion of his repeated behavior of non-recognition of itself and its own needs. You always hope that the other changes to give us all the love and recognition that we need. And then there's the kind of woman closer to Turandot, rebellious and defiant, competitive and proud of his head, but as frozen and no eros (which removed), which happens often to challenge the men and force them to overcome to gain access to her. But doing so can only despise the weaker ones who get overwhelmed, and it offers almost as loud and overbearing, paradoxically reaffirming the logic of male superiority and patriarchal violence that ripermettendo just wanted to avoid. In any case there is no escape from the spiral of violence and struggle between the sexes.

Generally we are dealing with a "father-complex" that dictates the choice. There is often a weak or absent father (in the case of women like Liu) and the girl then tries the protection of man, in place of paternal deprivation, submitting. Or, if you have had a violent father, repeated traumatic experience, thinking that this is the only destiny of women, of course, following the example of mother and trying to overcome even in masochism ... In the opposite case, the complex paternal manifested by a strong father and with other authoritarian but weak with the beloved daughter, spoiling too much, and then grows defiant and "Saputelli" without a parent in a position to counter an Oedipus so marked. It is in both cases one-sided personality, aspects that must be sacrificed for a more harmonious and fruitful development. And to make the transformation, must come into play a new aspect: no longer his father but a man inside, fan and friend of the feminine energy that does not collude with the goodism and conventionality, able to cope with and solve the real problems that I or fictitious female angry and vengeful arises, to conduct a true love of itself, without which You can not love others.

seems that now we can no longer employ the traditional model of the mother, because for too long this is just a stereotype and reinforces the structure of the patriarchal family, making it very difficult to daughters authentic development, so we must find a way still unknown, take a new adventure of consciousness for more than a scheme that does not stand up to the crisis of patriarchy and the anger of the girl who is not satisfied to be "conquest" of man. This requires that both the woman herself to turn their energies "male" inside (represented by Calaf, the hero positive) to resolve conflicts and restore integrity to allow the development of the whole personality, in which eros must not be separated from the conflictive logos. Only then, with the support and reunification with his knight inside (the old man to regain the Platonic myth of the original, symbolized by the figure of the hermaphrodite and that we find in the east represented the mystical union of Shiva and Parvati), and may disappear the part too submissive, always at risk abandoned, both the perched in a defense army. The new woman will be ready to live with courage, continued support to man, - having found a true self-esteem and love for herself - to be open to genuine reciprocity.

Monday, December 20, 2010

H1b Appointment Confirmation Missing

Guanxi and snow

Christmas in its most - if not only - well esterior-commercial came here in Suzhou . I would say in a more visible, more colorful, more widespread and ostentatious last year. Santa Claus in the windows of all stores and now also on the glass entrance of the buildings in our compound . Often wrapped in glittering garlands or intercalated with red lanterns, as if to wish him to remember that yes, they did come, but here is China and its place is between and not above anyone. Like all of us in fact.

Trademarks Christmas came well before the winter and cold, which has done really feel for a few days, with lots of snow, morning run of platoons of guards in black uniforms to heat the blood before refreezing to hear in endless pickets at various locations located in our compound, mountains of panettone and Pandora (in the most bizarre change from the limoncello tiramisu gianduja that anyway - trust me not at all embarrassed or upset if let alone empathize with the clerk of Eurofood referring to the cake - it's really bad).

in favor of Christmas trees from China - which are spreading like oil - I would want to break a lance: they are all fake, often devoid of branches in modern reinterpretations that reproduce only the silhouette, except that in the Bookworm , but is then potted okay. It is to be hoped that they continue to be false, because otherwise all stop breathing.

entirely absent from the crib. They are Santas, reindeer, sleighs, gift items, now also stocking size as long as inhumane, but the Baby Jesus, Joseph and Mary did not arrive. Our ayi, who supervised the exhumation of the fake pine tree, the ritual of decorative and every evening at dusk ensures that the lights are on, I asked who those characters are at the foot of the tree. I tried to explain. He told me that a figure "good" like Jesus have it, too. It made me a name, I did not understand who he was referring. In return, he traded the cow for a sheep and the donkey was unable to give an identity of species, but in mitigation I must say that the nativity scene is from the Yucatan and the figures are somewhat stylized.

I then knew that this wave of Christmas decorations has its price (and I'm not referring to the cost of goods or grade). Who wants to give your shop or your local touch, Christmas has to pay. Again, no the goods or who prepares you to (it goes without saying that these will have to pay you). Must pay. Someone. Them. Call it Christmas duty.

And since Christmas is coming and that we all feel better, I feel compelled to express my when my ayi, just come through the door this morning, after answering the phone, tells me that her husband , who works for a transport company building, does not hold a special permit that allows trucks to move in this area "prestigious", was stopped by police and that in order to pass in order to deliver the goods, he had pay. 300 RMB. I understand that point, or disappointment, is not related to the fact that the Police agree to turn a blind eye pocketing money, but rather to the fact that this day begins with a tow and who knows, here in the evening ...

Provo - not only because it's Christmas - to make her understand that this system, which then essentially is a corollary of the common practice and the official guanxi, it is not all roses (the poor lose out anyway) and see with eyes is not even right. I use the word guanxi and is surprised that I know what it meant. He smiles. Yes, it works well here and maybe you ... in fact it happens to us, but the stakes are the rule of law a bit 'more defined, the consequences for those who do not respect them and is also found unpleasant. I feel we are slipping on a minefield. And when I unbutton a bit 'too much on China and its system spider she skates brilliantly and I asked: "Did you see how much snow has fallen in Italy?"

Friday, December 17, 2010

Speech For School Annual Day

Turandot (19) - A reading intrapsychic / 1

We have seen how the story of Calaf and Turandot to be read as emblematic story of two characters who start at critical situations seriously deficient (man lacking a homeland and a role and the woman lacks the capacity to love) but that, by using intelligent generosity of the prince that unlocks the situation, get together with love a renewal of the kingdom. Go past the old patriarchal principle of division of roles - who is in that the holder of male power and supremacy of keeping women in a subordinate role of constant emotional support - establishing a new, more balanced relationship of the couple, satisfactory to both. You can also read
the whole story in a more expanded and include the entire history of violent transition from matriarchy to patriarchy, with the tragic consequences of a tightening of consciousness on an attitude of "struggle, victory, conquest, soppaffazione" and the inevitable bitterness that slowly Opposition rises to become just as violent, vengeful and destructive. Far from going back to the matriarchal phase, the tale shows a solution of authentic reconstruction of the conflict by establishing a new model of mutual respect and harmony.
This is also true for the violence perpetrated on the nature and shows us, unless we suffer the stars of progressive desiccation and sterility that we are threatening, the road to recovery by asking "under" the nature in an intelligent and loving and not continuing to exploit it with arrogant selfishness.
But a story can and should also read the intrapsychic level, ie to present the individual and his internal conflicts, as if the story concerns a single character and the story was a kind of dramatization of his problem, a real his dream to play.

Consider first the story from the man, symbolically represented by Calaf. You may assume the story of a young (but age is relative, because some steps may occur at any time, even if it would be best addressed at an early half of life) who is in a state of great confusion and disorientation because he lost everything that until now gave him security and protection (the realm of consciousness as an organization, some place where he had a prestigious role of mirroring and positive) . There may be external reasons why this happened (a failure of the company on which his father had a disease, a crisis that loses job prospects, etc..), But what matters is the internal resonance and the hint of a personal crisis: the loss of an old approach, the illusion that youth can be good and good enough to integrate successfully into society and the world of work, the discovery of the failure of fathers (as in '68), and so on. Even if the crisis is engaged by external reasons, before starting a search, there must always be a minimum of knowledge that every event that concerns us in full and active and requires our total commitment and our responsibility. In any case the time comes when the child grows, he realizes that his father is no longer the king, that is the embodiment of authority and wisdom, suddenly sees the old and weakened, it can not take it as a model and guide , and, while loving him, he must get away from him and follow other paths, must wander in search of something new and different ...

And what happens with the mother? In this story is apparently a major gap: the missing parent. There are two important women, Liu and Turandot, but there are no mothers. How can this be and what can it mean for a young, since we are considering him a son and each of the first female representative, and then the Soul is the mother?
Obviously the mother is dead. Here it is assumed, but in the fairy tale by Carlo Gozzi is stated explicitly that the old queen, wife of Timur, unable to withstand the hardships of exile and pain of the alleged loss of her son, and died. Often in the stories we see the reason for the death of his mother (Snow White, Cinderella ...) and sometimes its place is taken by a wicked stepmother. The earlier the event, the greater the damage, going from the idealized mother as the fairy witch, because the consciousness of the child has not yet been able to bring together the two images, through the depressive phase of the awareness that these are the two aspects of the same mother.
Here the mother "witch" never appears, because it seems to presume this was a mother only "good" full-service family, husband and son, of "his men" in other words.
son knows no other aspect of the feminine and, in the crisis, suddenly realizes that his beloved mother is only a reflection of his father, has no real center of his own as he lives only as a custodian of those patriarchal values \u200b\u200bwhich is also protected and therefore not a carrier of "other", a true point of view, polished and intelligent. So for him as dead, but it is the only type of woman who knows and that is proposed in the variation of the "good girl" who bases his life and dedication sull'accudimento (Liu), who appreciates but does not can fall in love. Something is missing but he does not know that his soul yearns and presages. At this point the confusion and despair can be large.

Thanks anyway love received, the young man has a good feeling, always been a "good guy", but now you realize you have also a great rage, vengeful and destructive, something that opposed to any solution of common sense, but because it has a dark intuitive feeling that he was somehow misled and diverted to a more comprehensive development, to have suffered almost ancient violence. He feels the charm of some new and unknown, a "wholly other" from the common thought of the reassuring aspects of the patriarchal family and ordered a need for knowledge and a curiosity about the obscure and different that makes him irresistibly to question the fundamental issues of life and on himself. Maybe go into analysis, or at least trying to get in touch with his dreams and his "puzzles" in search of that part of himself that had been hurt because they respected and recognized in its autonomy, and then began an intense dialogue and confrontation with the unconscious, through his images. Symbolically, we are at the crucial moment of the fight with Dragon, critical step through which a mother complex is freed from his female side (the Soul), independent and different from that embodied but also imprisoned far from their mother. Turandot is this: a female domestic wholly other to win, Dragon Princess and at the same time, carries the danger and romance to gain access to the new situation.
If things go well (many have tried and have been lost, as the principles that we have to lose his head ...), the man discovers that all the work of intelligence is not enough. After realizing the problems posed by their core neglected and angry (the puzzles to be solved), we must make a leap of faith and submission, leaving it at the time of reconciliation and return to love, so that the rehabilitation and integration is possible. Only then, after much internal discussion, when the ego has lost its arrogance and is ready to recognize the true values \u200b\u200bof the Soul autonomy, emerges the new man, sensitive and creative understanding, not more childishly attached to parents, with a new center and then a new "kingdom". Reunited with his "inner princess," is now ready to face life and its relationship with the adult female pair, with a completeness and a renewed strength.
The meeting with his psychic part controsessuale was also the final goal of the alchemical process in Philosophorum Rosarium, in which, after the events of death and rebirth of the royal couple, with the return of the light we see the appearance of Rebis, the ' image of the two victorious now be merged into one, signifying the newfound inner unity and integration of the personality.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

O.g Mudbone- Wikipedia

Rapida serĉado en Nova Plena Ilustrita Vortaro (NPIV - 2002) pdf


Mi jam publikigis etan Linuksan skripton por rapide serĉi vortojn en la pdf-versio de la fama Nova Plena Ilustrita Vortaro. Kompreneble, libro de pli ol 1200 paĝoj en pdf estas vere senutila. Kaj vi sendube preferas la paperan version. Tamen, se vi volas plirapidigi viajn serĉojn, kaj la papera vortaro ŝajnas al vi tro malrapida, vi devus uzi la pdf-version kun la programo, kiun mi skribis.

Nun mi plibonigis la programon kaj ĝi unu estas Pitona skripto (Pitono = Python). La serĉoj estas ege pli rapidaj nun, kaj ĝi estas preskaŭ perfekta. Reale, ĝi ne estas tiel pro kelkaj eraroj (simple, ne ĉiam divenas la ĝustan paĝon, sed ĝi malfermas la vortaron antaŭ aŭ post la ĝusta loko je kelka paĝo; kompreneble, nenio ĝena, male! Ĝi estas preskaŭ perfekta kompare kun la antaŭa Linuksa skripto!)

Por uzi ĝi, simple elŝutu la dosierujon , kie mi metis la programon kune kun ĝiaj gravaj dosieroj. Vi devas malfermi ĝin kaj meti la dosierojn en la dosierujo, kiun vi plej ŝatas. Poste, vi devas agordi ĝin, modifante la dosieron nomita 'serĉiNPIV2002_agordoj', kie vi DEVAS meti la nomon de via favoritan pdf-legilon kaj la absolutan vojon plus la nomon de via pdf-vortaro.

La programo estis pensita por funkcii en la terminalo. La serĉoj devas esti farita de terminalo. Eble, kiam mi havos tempon, mi kreos pli grafikan version. Por aktivigi la programon de terminalo de Linukso, vi devas skribi:

python serĉ

Kompreneble, por fari tion, vi devas esti en la dosierujo, kie vi kopiis la programon kune kun ĝiaj gravaj tri dosieroj (sen ili, ĝi ne funkcias).

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Herpes On Hands Images

Turandot (18) - The new couple

now confesses Turandot with the first kiss and the first cry ("first tears falling in love ...") and supported the fight to oppose it, but warn the young man to leave and pay be considered only for the fact that have witnessed the collapse and his admission of his defeat. Still does not accept marriage, the public statement and the assumption of the role of wife. And here Calaf makes for the third time a spontaneous act of submission and offer the power of the female reveals his name, leaving it still in its mercy: Turandot if you like you can still kill him.
is an extraordinary act, especially if we think that is obtained after the admission of falling by the same Turandot and after kissing her courage demonstrated almost by force. Not enough to yield even if it involves an injury because there is still an imbalance, and Turandot declares that victory is ashamed of his love as a weakness. Therefore it is necessary for Calaf to give up and wait for the third time change is consolidated through a new opportunity and a new risk.

is also important to highlight the recurrence of the number three in the whole work: Calaf asks for three times face the test, the riddles are three, the temptations are three and three times Calaf risks his life (the last two on his further action after the victory).
The number three is a very symbolic and universal fundamental: it is a spiritual and intellectual nature highly dynamic because it marks the exit from the duality of opposites or crippling of the symbiosis in a triad that continually reopens in new developments. The weather takes place in a ternary rhythm of past, present and future, as the existence is marked by the birth, life and death. All biological life on the planet has three aspects, plant, animal and human, and in turn the man has three aspects: material, spiritual and rational, or put another way, body, mind and spirit. The whole cosmos was divided into three layers or from the ancient kingdoms: the kingdom of heaven above, or (Zeus), the Earth itself as a human kingdom, and the like under the reign hell (Hades). The Trinity is the fundamental Christian dogma, as for the Hindu Trimurti: Brahma creates, Vishnu sustains and maintains the universe and Shiva who destroys in order to allow a new creation, a new cycle, are the basics upon which all life, and exalted aspects sung continuously from the sacred syllable AUM, the mantra for excellence through its three letters. Even in the three tales used very often as a reason for you to carry stories specimens (three sons or daughters, the Three Oranges, the three golden hairs of the devil, the three feathers, three tests ...). In summary, the three is a number of initiation, the male in its dynamism, which precedes and prepares the four: the totality and completeness (the four cardinal points, the four functions of the psyche, the four amino acids, DNA, etc.).

Returning to the Princess after the revelation of the name directly from Calaf, the real choice is fulfilled and overcoming the side of wounded pride and vindictive. Before the Emperor and all the people together, the princess, now radiant and happy to announce that the stranger's name is "Love." It is important to note that this is a real choice and not a passive acceptance for "right of conquest," and this completely changes the couple's relationship and its dynamics.
The three became four because each component has integrated its side controsessuale and this has an appropriate external consideration: the man puts soul with its function in relation to the woman he loves without trying to dominate by force, and the woman accepts the love and defend themselves without having to compete with the Animus. This is, to quote Jung, a real coniunctio , a perfect marriage four.
Another point to be stressed that both parties were pretty bad and in conditions of great difficulty. Calaf was a fugitive and isolated after losing a kingdom, and Turandot was isolated in his hatred of endangering the continuity of the empire itself. We can say that both were estranged from their center more vital, because the men's Calaf was estranged from the center of power and action (after centuries of domination by a principle of consciousness-oriented male who is breaking down), while the women's Turandot was frozen and imprisoned by the Animus alienated from eros. Fortunately, almost fortuitous appearance of Turandot immediately triggered an irresistible impulse to recapture, through the love of all that had been obtained by force and now is lost. Only the tenacious intelligence of the Soul "of the young prince is able to carry out the enterprise and throughout the kingdom comes out renewed.

Click here for the text of the final.

You are mine! Mia!

This asks. Now you know.
greatest victory did not want to!
Parties, stranger, with your coach!

my secret?
I have no more! You are mine!
You who tremble if you infinity
whitening you if I kiss you,
can destroy me if you want!
My name and I give you life together!
I am Calaf, Timur's son!

I know your name! I know your name!

My glory is your embrace!

Listen! Squillan the trumpets!

My life is your kiss!

Here! It's time! It is the hour of trial!

I do not fear!

Ah! Calaf, before the people with me!

You have won!

(Appears picturesque exterior of the imperial palace. On a high staircase, center stage, the emperor, surrounded by the court, dignitaries, the sages, by the soldiers. On both sides of the square, in a huge semicircle, the huge crowd.)

Ten thousand years to our Emperor!

Father Augustus
know the name of the stranger!
His name is ... Love!

Amor! O sun! Life! Eternity!
Light of the world and love!
laughs and sings in the sun
infinity our happiness!
Glory! Glory! Glory!

Placido Domingo, Eva Marton

Placido Domingo, Ghena Dimitrova

Giuseppe Giacomini, Montserrat Caballé

Sergej Larin, Giovanna Casolla

Friday, December 10, 2010

Does Bonefish Grill Require Reservations

Pisa 2009 results: student performance in reading, mathematics and science

All right, you should read and deepen the evaluation system used - especially comparative perspective - because to compare students from 65 countries should not be child's play and conduct an inquiry in education is how to move on quicksand.

At all. According to the results from PISA 2009, students from Shanghai won the top ranking in terms of level of knowledge and ability in the following three areas: reading, mathematics and science. Followed by Korea and Finland. Among the top 10, five are Asian countries. Italy is 30th.

End of story.

How Long To Get Zumba Results

The longest night of Liu Xiaobo

Here in Suzhou (China) 10:12:10 this starts with CNN and BBC obscured. Continues with an extremely slow loading site to any vocation also only marginally informative. If I try to launch the page Information on the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony site, I hear from the reactors of the computer. But I finally opens, I think thanks to the VPN.

the street, of course, there is no trace nor any reference to the awards ceremony to be held in Oslo in a few hours.

Now, for the authorities and the Chinese Government Liu Xiaobo is and remains a dissident sentenced to 11 years in prison for attempted subversion of internal stability.

To our Western eyes, Liu Xiaobo is a courageous activist who has championed the rights rights in China.

or surprising as it may seem daunting, it is quite likely that a billion Chinese as Liu Xiaobo great little say.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cheat Rare Candy Pokemon Ruby Vba

100 Century Avenue Shanghai Bar, high up in the sky

History of Guinness I think. I do not remember where, but there is - or was there - the world's longest sausage. Then there is the world's tallest wooden statue (made from a single sandalwood tree), and that is located in a temple in Beijing. There is the city with the highest density of skyscrapers in the world, stuff to whiten NY, and it is clear to many that we are talking about Shanghai. There is, where else if not ever in the city that stands, the highest bar in the world.

The 100 Century Avenue Bar is the 92nd floor of the Shanghai World Financial Center (Pudong Area), the tallest building in Shanghai, the third highest in the world (after Dubai and Taipei).

To stand up there to sip a cocktail at sunset or when darkness fell and the city lights is an experience that lifts you off the ground. Impressive 360 \u200b\u200bdegree views, indescribable feeling of omnipotence call it. From there you are really dominate the world.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Letter Request Car Parking

China Goes Social

China also runs on a knife social. Twitter The Chinese version is called Sina Loves , an exact replica of Twitter (perhaps could not exist?) Fanfou .

QQ (Tencent QQ) is the messenger platform most popular and crowded in China.

The most popular social network Kaixin001 . Another online community frequented mainly by college students is Renren .

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Whats The Difference Between Pityriasis Rosea

Turandot (17) - The Meltdown

Immediately after the death Liu's what a real dirge from the crowd and Timur, Calaf and Turandot attacking bursts almost tearing the veil to force her to see blood shed for you, get "down to earth" from his throne of ice and "tragic heaven" in which it was perched.
We had never seen so furious Calaf: yes indeed, early work, when he rails in defense of the young prince who is brought to the scaffold, cursing Turandot, but then, when he saw the charm of the virginal princess, is taken from all hope of victory. Now comes the task ecstatic contemplation and intellectual solver of puzzles and pulls out a capacity for action that completely displaces Turandot, which tries to defend himself taking refuge in the old patterns of his role ("How dare you ever, stranger! Things are not human . I am the daughter of Heaven, free and pure "). Calaf shortens the distance and suddenly switch from aggression to almost kiss (the eternal struggle between similarity and love, the deep bond between Ares and Aphrodite), and despite Requests not to be profaned, Turandot gives loosening the last resistance and leaves, not before he whispered: "What is me?" Lost. " This statement is very important because it marks the end and death of the party hostile to Turandot, which can never be as before, the end that goes parallel to the death of Liu. From the psychological point of view then the dead are actually two and they are both required to engage the "new" woman, free from dependence on Liù but also the coldness and hatred of Turandot. It is the mysterious but profound reality of the transformation, which always passes through death: if something does not die of old personality can not the new birth, and there were two sides to sacrifice, both excessive and unilateral lated with each other.

can bring out a rattle that Calaf part so determined and "macho", but at the moment is what we need: It is important that, along with kindness and patience, man at the right time there is a strong and clearly "penetrating", a "look Ares" where the action takes over. There is a myth in the development of women and that of the abduction of Persephone, the young virgin daughter of Demeter, from Hades, the powerful god of the underworld. It is a very complex myth, which Jung has worked extensively in his essay "Psychological aspects the figure of Core and Eric Neumann takes over in "The psychology of women." Basically, to access a more complete development and meet the man, you have the "maiden Core" is compelled by a strong and determined man, a "mild violence". that still linked to the mother (Core related to Demeter) must be a tear, which is equivalent to the virginal consciousness being kidnapped and carried in the realm of the underworld, so the distance between the girl and sexuality adult, with the experience to give himself a man. It is a shocking event and a very significant and irreversible step of initiation. Only then can re-establish deeper spiritual unity between mother and daughter and to inaugurate the "Eleusinian Mysteries", expanding to include the feminine consciousness intrapsychic mother-daughter axis. But because everything is successful and is not therefore a rape, it is necessary that the woman is ready, and here takes the lowering of resistance Calaf in Turandot and rightly warns the lie behind the words ("The frost is your lie! ") and feels it is now ready for rapprochement.

It is now dawn and the proximity of the sun marks the end of darkness as a blackout of consciousness. And the singing of children consecrates the union between "light" and "life", taking up the prophetic theme of the beginning, while Calaf rejoices "My flower morning."

Click here to the text of "Princess of death."

Princess of Death!
Princess of ice!
from your tragic
come down from heaven on earth!
Ah, lifting the veil!
Look, cruel,

that pure blood that was shed for you!

What ever dare you, stranger! What
are not human!
I am the daughter of Heaven,
free and pure.
You squeeze my cool veil
but the soul is there!

Your soul is high,
but your body is near!
With burning hands shake
the flaps of your coat with gold stars.
My mouth quivering presses about you ...

is a profanation!

Ah, to feel alive!


your Frost is a lie!

No, no never possess me!

You shall be mine!

Dell'Eva torment
not be repeated! Ah, no!

You shall be mine!

Do not touch me, stranger!
is a sacrilege!

No, your kiss
gives me an eternity!

What is to become of me? Lost! My

flower! Oh, my morning flower!
My flower, you breath!
your breasts lily,
ah, quiver on my chest!
Already I feel you lack sweetness,
all white in your blanket of silver ...

How did you conquer?


It is dawn! Turandot set!

Dawn! Light and life! Everything is pure!

Dawn! Light and life!
Princess, that sweetness in your tears!

It is dawn! And love is born with the sun!

Everything is holy! What sweetness in your tears!

I see that no,
my glory is over!

No! It begins!

Shame on me!

Miracle! Your glory shines
enchantment of the first kiss, the first

first tears. Ah! My first tears!
Yes, stranger, when you arrived,
with anguish I felt the thrill of this fatal
supreme evil.
I have seen many die for me!
And I despised them. But I fear you!
There in your eyes the light of the heroes.
There was the superb confidence in your eyes. And
hated thee for that!
And for that I loved you!
Tormented and divided equally between two terrors:
conquer or be conquered. It is
Ah! Won, much by trial
from this fever that comes to you!

Placido Domingo, Ghena Dimitrova

Mario Del Monaco, Inge Borkh

Franco Corelli , Birgit Nilsson

Friday, December 3, 2010

Are Lazy Eyes In Army

Turandot (16) - Death Liù

The two arias dedicated to Liu in the third act ("Lots of love secret and unacknowledged" and "You gel that six city") are memorable and reach the summit of that song longing of the soul in Puccini is a master and has made her immortal heroines of love (Butterfly, Tosca, Mimi ...). Puccini seems to be particularly attracted to these young women who allow themselves to die or sacrifice themselves for love, and we are always very moved and impressed by these sacrifices. But beyond the similarities, differences should be seen to better identify the psychological complexities of such heroines. Here we try to do it and we'll see that Liu is not as simple as that.

There is a poet who is especially fascinated by the heroines of love, especially those not reciprocated, making a model and one of the favorite tunes of his poetry: Rainer Maria Rilke . They are the purest example of the superiority of feeling free and open, singing its own sake, to love without expecting to be loved, and still the real possibility of refining capacity for expansion as an expression of love ' soul. In the first Duino Elegies read:

(...) "But if you yearn so, he sings the love.
course, is not quite immortal their feelings known.
Sing them, the abandoned, you almost envy,
you seemed to placate the more lovers. Take it
always the unattainable celebration;
thinks, the hero endures, even death for him was only a pretext for
be: his last birth.
But the heroines of love itself again if the exhausted Nature
as if there were no forces twice, to accomplish this.
You sang quite Gaspara Stampa, that some girl
which escapes the beloved, exalted example of this love,
feel: I can be like her?
as old pain, should not now,
become more fruitful for us? Is not it time loving,
we are liberated from being loved, support him fuming:
as the arrow is holding the rope, jump in the entire collection,
to overcome them? That you can not stay, no where. "(...)

(RM Rilke, Duino Elegies, trans. Igea and Enrico De Portu, ed. Einaudi)

This superiority praised by Rilke and mystics do not is free, it is possible and desirable only if the consideration moving higher and within us, while loving a human being - man or woman - without expecting to be loved, you could keep alight the flame to connect to a higher level, to keep alive a mystical power that makes the spirit alert and open indefinitely. Gaspara Print (1523-54), taken from Rilke as a model of its heroines, abandoned by the Venetian Count Collaltino Collalto, kept intact its sentiment and wrote one of the most heartfelt love song books in the history of poetry.

Sure we know a song more perfect, that of Petrarch (who clearly was inspired by Gaspara Press), also a love song unattainable and impossible, but it seems that commuovesse Rilke is more to the young woman who died at 31 years, consumed by a fever that was not just that of the body. "The heroines of love takes over if the exhausted itself the nature ...": the dead girl, then, as the seal of the longing of the soul.

But back to Liu and his death. It's always been said that Liu died for love, to save the not revealing the name of his beloved, and in the gesture of taking his own life ahead of him and Turandot is having the supreme test of his sacrifice. But it is only in this way?
Surely Liu's love is great, and in comparison with the powerful princess, when asked the source of such power, does not hesitate to recognize it: "Lots of love secret and unacknowledged, so great that these tortures are sweet for me because I make a gift to my Lord ...". I Turandot remains very disturbed because it is the first time that his hatred for the man meets a feeling as strong, but in a opposite: a woman who proves that you can love what she considers the most cruel enemy of the woman, to death. Sure, she has seen men accept death for his love, but the situation was very different: the young princes in love consciously defied death, running a risk that they at least had a chance, hope of victory, while love Liu's hopeless, and so far all the "secret and unacknowledged." But paradoxically, while it was secret and unacknowledged, when the old king Timur accompanied in exile, there was a hope, and hope this collapses at the very moment in which he reveals his love, because it is now clear that Calaf, Turandot madly in love with while seeing her so cruel, can never match and accept his love. And this is the real reason for suicide: the collapse of hope. Liu has proven to be strong enough to even know how to resist torture, and not to disclose the name is indeed the "supreme pleasure", because it can "keep it secret and only I possess." And so it is not true that dies not reveal the name dies not see all the way to victory but that is helping to prepare.

He says clearly at the end of the second air poignant: "(...) I close my tired eyes because he wins again ... Non ... never to see him more, "and this" never to see him more "is repeated twice. Liù dies So why not stand to see the realization of the love between Turandot and Calaf, and this makes it much more humane and less heroic . This also ties to the original character of Carlo Gozzi, where there is but Adelma Liu, a princess who after the defeat of his father were enslaved and is now part of the maids of Turandot, he even wins the trust and spurs, flattering the consistency and firmness, not to yield to the Prince who solved the puzzles, because he recognized the very young refugee in the palace of his father, whom she secretly loved basis that it is not noble and therefore not worthy. Seeing it again now and knowing the prince, is taken by that love and jealousy do not hesitate, just to have it, to plot a series of deceptions that are eventually exposed, tries to commit suicide in front of Turandot and Calaf, just like Liu, but is stop in time, which does not happen to Liu. The replacement of Adelma with Liu is the most important change that has required the work of Puccini Gozzi, apparently to introduce the most romantic hero, in keeping with his feeling and closer to other creatures. But part of Adelma remains alive in the final statement of Liu and the choice of avoiding the failure of hope.

One is reminded of another suicide of a heroine east to Butterfly. But this is a very different death, and it is important to realize this: the act of Butterfly after extreme disappointment, the discovery that Pinkerton will never return to her and that her love was based on an idealization, it marks a new awareness how through love for a foreigner had lost its deepest identity, abandoning their tradition of living and to give themselves to another religion and another style of life that does not correspond closely. When realized through the treachery of Pinkerton that the real betrayal is his, to itself and its soul, committed suicide in a ritual way, thus resuming contact, through death, with their ancestors and asking for forgiveness to the gods of his religion. So the death of the heroine is a Japanese real act of inner awakening, and the only way to find herself, following in the footsteps of his father and the best traditions of the samurai and the spiritual masters, in which death is a choice of allegiance themselves and the values \u200b\u200bof the Spirit.

Liu's death is rather a surrender to despair, finding it impossible to dissuade Calaf from Turandot, is less than the very meaning of human life he loved fully screened. Is not part of the "dependent", the "bond of love" that if there is no other, its own independent center, marks the end of the woman herself, of the whole person. How many deep depressions, real psychic death, we are committed in the name of an unrequited love? But here, fortunately, there is a counterpoint: the sacrifice of the part that lives only for love of man triggers the feeling of the other party, the virginal and closed, totally independent man. And so a supplement may be decisive of the deep conflict and division so far in place. The Sacrifice of Liu is not useless, and we'll see how the love of Liu in Turandot rise again, but not as a unilateral commitment to another, but as open and surrender to a higher power that reconciles opposites.

Click here for the lyrics to "You gel that six boundary.

you that six of gel boundary,
won by so much the flame
will love you too!
Before the break,
I close my tired eyes,
because he wins again ...
not to see it again!

(It takes surprise a dagger from a soldier and stabs to death. Sways amid the terror of all and it falls at the feet of the prince.)

Maria Callas

Renata Tebaldi

Elisabeth Schwarzkopf

Angela Gheorghiu

Thursday, December 2, 2010

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To each his own ... Xie Xie