Sunday, December 26, 2010

Chlorophyll Liquid Or Powder

Summary (20) - A reading intrapsychic / 2

Let's see the story on the side of "her".

always women are led to believe in Prince Charming and waiting for him to solve their problems. This is a misconception full of dire consequences. It makes women passive and relegates to a subordinate role of human activity, felt as savior and giver of love and life. It is true that there is in fairy tales always a Prince Charming to awaken Sleeping Beauty, and resolve the situation, and a young hero myths appears ready to face the dragon to kill it and free the princess, but after the teaching of Jung in these stories must finally make a symbolic meaning and learn how to read basic steps "intrapsychic," that is linked to the intimate story of each woman and her emancipation from one situation to a child and dependent "adult" and mistress of herself and all of its resources.
Prince Charming symbolizes the masculine in the woman, the Animus, the need to activate your inner knight to free a female prisoner of fear, and too passive and conventions of millennia of patriarchal culture, which on one hand wants the woman weak and submissive, unable to fend for itself, but on the other, idealized as sweet and loving mother, faithful wife, the angel of the house.

in the tale of Turandot, there are two female figures representing two diametrically opposed attitudes, each of which may prevail in reality. There may be a woman closer to Liu, loving and obedient servant of the patriarchal system but, probably repeating the maternal model, which removed part of the independent and living in the shadow of man through their dedication, often not to notice never be loved for itself but for its services. In " Women who love too much "by Robin Norwood (ed. Feltrinelli) we find a comprehensive description of this type of woman and the compulsion of his repeated behavior of non-recognition of itself and its own needs. You always hope that the other changes to give us all the love and recognition that we need. And then there's the kind of woman closer to Turandot, rebellious and defiant, competitive and proud of his head, but as frozen and no eros (which removed), which happens often to challenge the men and force them to overcome to gain access to her. But doing so can only despise the weaker ones who get overwhelmed, and it offers almost as loud and overbearing, paradoxically reaffirming the logic of male superiority and patriarchal violence that ripermettendo just wanted to avoid. In any case there is no escape from the spiral of violence and struggle between the sexes.

Generally we are dealing with a "father-complex" that dictates the choice. There is often a weak or absent father (in the case of women like Liu) and the girl then tries the protection of man, in place of paternal deprivation, submitting. Or, if you have had a violent father, repeated traumatic experience, thinking that this is the only destiny of women, of course, following the example of mother and trying to overcome even in masochism ... In the opposite case, the complex paternal manifested by a strong father and with other authoritarian but weak with the beloved daughter, spoiling too much, and then grows defiant and "Saputelli" without a parent in a position to counter an Oedipus so marked. It is in both cases one-sided personality, aspects that must be sacrificed for a more harmonious and fruitful development. And to make the transformation, must come into play a new aspect: no longer his father but a man inside, fan and friend of the feminine energy that does not collude with the goodism and conventionality, able to cope with and solve the real problems that I or fictitious female angry and vengeful arises, to conduct a true love of itself, without which You can not love others.

seems that now we can no longer employ the traditional model of the mother, because for too long this is just a stereotype and reinforces the structure of the patriarchal family, making it very difficult to daughters authentic development, so we must find a way still unknown, take a new adventure of consciousness for more than a scheme that does not stand up to the crisis of patriarchy and the anger of the girl who is not satisfied to be "conquest" of man. This requires that both the woman herself to turn their energies "male" inside (represented by Calaf, the hero positive) to resolve conflicts and restore integrity to allow the development of the whole personality, in which eros must not be separated from the conflictive logos. Only then, with the support and reunification with his knight inside (the old man to regain the Platonic myth of the original, symbolized by the figure of the hermaphrodite and that we find in the east represented the mystical union of Shiva and Parvati), and may disappear the part too submissive, always at risk abandoned, both the perched in a defense army. The new woman will be ready to live with courage, continued support to man, - having found a true self-esteem and love for herself - to be open to genuine reciprocity.


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