Saturday, December 11, 2010

Herpes On Hands Images

Turandot (18) - The new couple

now confesses Turandot with the first kiss and the first cry ("first tears falling in love ...") and supported the fight to oppose it, but warn the young man to leave and pay be considered only for the fact that have witnessed the collapse and his admission of his defeat. Still does not accept marriage, the public statement and the assumption of the role of wife. And here Calaf makes for the third time a spontaneous act of submission and offer the power of the female reveals his name, leaving it still in its mercy: Turandot if you like you can still kill him.
is an extraordinary act, especially if we think that is obtained after the admission of falling by the same Turandot and after kissing her courage demonstrated almost by force. Not enough to yield even if it involves an injury because there is still an imbalance, and Turandot declares that victory is ashamed of his love as a weakness. Therefore it is necessary for Calaf to give up and wait for the third time change is consolidated through a new opportunity and a new risk.

is also important to highlight the recurrence of the number three in the whole work: Calaf asks for three times face the test, the riddles are three, the temptations are three and three times Calaf risks his life (the last two on his further action after the victory).
The number three is a very symbolic and universal fundamental: it is a spiritual and intellectual nature highly dynamic because it marks the exit from the duality of opposites or crippling of the symbiosis in a triad that continually reopens in new developments. The weather takes place in a ternary rhythm of past, present and future, as the existence is marked by the birth, life and death. All biological life on the planet has three aspects, plant, animal and human, and in turn the man has three aspects: material, spiritual and rational, or put another way, body, mind and spirit. The whole cosmos was divided into three layers or from the ancient kingdoms: the kingdom of heaven above, or (Zeus), the Earth itself as a human kingdom, and the like under the reign hell (Hades). The Trinity is the fundamental Christian dogma, as for the Hindu Trimurti: Brahma creates, Vishnu sustains and maintains the universe and Shiva who destroys in order to allow a new creation, a new cycle, are the basics upon which all life, and exalted aspects sung continuously from the sacred syllable AUM, the mantra for excellence through its three letters. Even in the three tales used very often as a reason for you to carry stories specimens (three sons or daughters, the Three Oranges, the three golden hairs of the devil, the three feathers, three tests ...). In summary, the three is a number of initiation, the male in its dynamism, which precedes and prepares the four: the totality and completeness (the four cardinal points, the four functions of the psyche, the four amino acids, DNA, etc.).

Returning to the Princess after the revelation of the name directly from Calaf, the real choice is fulfilled and overcoming the side of wounded pride and vindictive. Before the Emperor and all the people together, the princess, now radiant and happy to announce that the stranger's name is "Love." It is important to note that this is a real choice and not a passive acceptance for "right of conquest," and this completely changes the couple's relationship and its dynamics.
The three became four because each component has integrated its side controsessuale and this has an appropriate external consideration: the man puts soul with its function in relation to the woman he loves without trying to dominate by force, and the woman accepts the love and defend themselves without having to compete with the Animus. This is, to quote Jung, a real coniunctio , a perfect marriage four.
Another point to be stressed that both parties were pretty bad and in conditions of great difficulty. Calaf was a fugitive and isolated after losing a kingdom, and Turandot was isolated in his hatred of endangering the continuity of the empire itself. We can say that both were estranged from their center more vital, because the men's Calaf was estranged from the center of power and action (after centuries of domination by a principle of consciousness-oriented male who is breaking down), while the women's Turandot was frozen and imprisoned by the Animus alienated from eros. Fortunately, almost fortuitous appearance of Turandot immediately triggered an irresistible impulse to recapture, through the love of all that had been obtained by force and now is lost. Only the tenacious intelligence of the Soul "of the young prince is able to carry out the enterprise and throughout the kingdom comes out renewed.

Click here for the text of the final.

You are mine! Mia!

This asks. Now you know.
greatest victory did not want to!
Parties, stranger, with your coach!

my secret?
I have no more! You are mine!
You who tremble if you infinity
whitening you if I kiss you,
can destroy me if you want!
My name and I give you life together!
I am Calaf, Timur's son!

I know your name! I know your name!

My glory is your embrace!

Listen! Squillan the trumpets!

My life is your kiss!

Here! It's time! It is the hour of trial!

I do not fear!

Ah! Calaf, before the people with me!

You have won!

(Appears picturesque exterior of the imperial palace. On a high staircase, center stage, the emperor, surrounded by the court, dignitaries, the sages, by the soldiers. On both sides of the square, in a huge semicircle, the huge crowd.)

Ten thousand years to our Emperor!

Father Augustus
know the name of the stranger!
His name is ... Love!

Amor! O sun! Life! Eternity!
Light of the world and love!
laughs and sings in the sun
infinity our happiness!
Glory! Glory! Glory!

Placido Domingo, Eva Marton

Placido Domingo, Ghena Dimitrova

Giuseppe Giacomini, Montserrat Caballé

Sergej Larin, Giovanna Casolla


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