Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Creat Your Own I Heart Boobies Braclets.com

Christmas, but not too

and season of gifts, and not just because Christmas is coming. The rituals and ceremonies that accompany the giving and receiving a gift offer a concrete starting point to find ways to say thanks from ours and here.

We Westerners, tell me if I'm wrong, when we receive a gift (or anything as a gift), seldom confine ourselves to a single, terse "thanks", and that's that. At a minimum, we repeat twice, "Thanks, oh, thank you." Usually then - at least this is a good idea except that the gifts for Christmas - unpack it in front of the benefactor (if wrapped), I admire his eyes, we appreciate the contents aloud, color, quality, praising the beauty or even the utility. Often, tell me if I'm wrong, we lie. The lies are harmless, I would say too good. Because in these situations, sincerity and honesty do not bring nothing but mortify the donor and the recipient of a smear layer of arrogance, rudeness, lack of tact.

these parts, so in China, things are not true. I happened to give. The I regular basis with my ayi, who remains in the leg and on which I will not change my opinion because of us - especially my daughter - I would say well you take care. But periodically, ie every time the gift something, he manages to amaze me, even today. Why stripping almost to the bone around the ritual ceremony that we have learned from an early age and we reiterate that with perseverance in the name of good manners, if nothing else.

We come to her, takes the object and utters a single "Xie xie" (that one thanks). End of story. Besides you do not go. Never a second thank you. Not an extra appreciation. Never revealed, and I even doubt that there is in her desire to see what it is. Invariably, In fact, it goes without discarding the gift. Not a word back then the next day when, as punctual as a Swiss watch, put the key in the lock and enters the house. No, not a return to the subject and then let alone, not with a memorial. Nothing.

Every time I think to myself "here we go again." Not very bad, not overly bothered, just can not comprehend that the code is so different thanks. So am I, not without a hint of provocative vein, back in the spotlight and investigates. More than anything else to see if you like. Here, of course - but then also good to see us - no one will ever openly say "it sucks" (because you would lose face and lose their culture in the face to your boss or employer means maybe in the foot), but they can come up with utterances such as "too expensive". Not "thank you very much, I am flattered, I was really pleased," possibly followed by a "but it's too expensive" or "you've spent too much" or "you should not have." No, "too expensive", dry, lean, direct, without prologue or epilogue. At most a chuckle as final. And I

there, more puzzled than before. One response so the conversation killer. What else do you want to add?

At the same time, on any day, I get in the car (as I do on average 5 times a week since I live here) and the driver - still standing outside the car, his back bent in order to enter the passenger - he hands me a tangerine. Yes, a tangerine. One. In his hand he has a second, which begins to peel as soon as the one to grab me. It makes me vaguely to do the same sign. Thank you, I smile, I told him that I'm going to lunch, but the information does not pass. He looks at me with his eyes and calls me to follow his example. While ignoring the reason is clear to me that he wants, and then peel the tangerine, and I eat it. He hands me two paper towels, I expected that it wraps the skin and deliver them to him. What I'm doing. He goes to the trash, get rid of the bassoon, returns the machine, salt, close the door and end of story. I do not remember if it was good, if it had the seeds, if it was already dry or juicy. Nothing. My brain trying to figure out how to process the incident, including appurtenances.

the same period, but on two different days, the postman delivers it directly to your home three parcels from Italy. In addition to the festive wake emanating, we are happy to see that there was no tampering or attempts to open. Then discharged from Italy to China, we took about 10 days (including holidays). I'll just China, 1000 through and histoire à suivre .

Monday, November 29, 2010

Uncensored Footballers In Shower

Juniper and mixed couples

The Engel coefficient (the percentage income spent on food purchases) is also increasing in China, because rampant inflation that is bending the back to many, contrary to what they themselves had naively hoped, or to see to improve their standard of living say with the increase in purchasing power. Are to increase the prices of rice, vegetables and fruit. And the thing is there for all to see. Not to mention the imported products in some supermarkets should pay for the follies buy a mango, but the grapes, then let stand cherries (those now coming from Chile, and the supermarket is rightly committed to wonder where Chile find this!).

raising prices, but - for admission on the question of who has sufficient knowledge of the facts - the food in China is still a big problem, not the quantity but the quality. China, yes, it has a huge problem with their food.

Considering this admission of guilt in some authoritative confirmation did not need to be sure, please send me a lead juniper berries from Europe (hopefully in my heart - but not quite certain - that the berries are not imported from China, because the joke and then yes also to the damage).

teaches an ancient remedy peasant (farmers' "local") that a treatment based on juniper berries - as well as cleanse the body - helps strengthen the immune system in view of the winter season and its inevitable evils.

And so begins the cure. First day: a dried berry fasting, chewing and swallowing. Second Day: 2 berries. Third day: three berries. And so on until 14, then repeat the process of decreasing in number. Today I ate 4 (in one shot, of course), and who knows not completed by me will also strengthen the defenses against this irritating cough ("allergy to a variety of factors, my doctor would say," intolerant in this aria "I would suggest) that takes us all on a regular basis, to us foreigners stationed in China.

then I read it standard of public toilets in China are improving (in urban areas, of course). Confirm. In Shanghai, Beijing and Hanzhou, but in the same Suzhou, within the modern shopping malls, restaurants and bars (more likely if "international"), the revolution is obvious. Yesterday I used the more shiny and clean public toilets I've ever used in my entire life. IFC shopping mall bathrooms are in Pudong. Do not go into details, but believe me, better than a five-star hotel. Just try it.

And then there are mixed couples. What have, you say? None. However, the issue is hot and not trivial (they say). A Western man with an Oriental woman (Chinese) is coupled to normal. To the delight of both (and with good consciousness of both: you know what to look for him, you know what to look for her). You should not generalize, I agree, but say that this simplistic paradigm and full of cliché holds most of the time. Now you look at the phenomenon - apparently growing - reversed mating, he east, west you. But then perhaps we need to ask something. 1. Because the phenomenon (significant in statistical terms) is new? 2. What we are looking man eastern / western women is perhaps different from what they have tried, liked and accepted Western man / woman east?

Can Herpes Damage The Kidney

Grand Hyatt, IFC mall and aquarium - Shanghai Pudong

may be the program for one weekend a bit 'in slow motion, away from contagious frenzy of Shanghai which otherwise makes us willing to take.

Pudong Area , very short trips, a triangle to walk alternating relaxation, shopping and entertainment. For the first, relax, nothing better than staying at the Grand Hyatt , in the famous Jin Mao Tower the shadow of the corkscrew , where it can happen to sleep and go to the 70th floor, where you can swim with the 54th spectacular view over the city, from Puxi the Huang Pu River area now (ex) bit. The swimming pool, an area comprising rejuvenating sauna, turkish bath, whirlpool, and then extra will pay.

For the latter, shopping and restaurants, just steps from the Grand Hyatt is the mecca of luxury and consumerism, the ' IFC Mall, with the' Apple store which is accessed by an external staircase, a well-stocked supermarket InCity to -1, a few restaurants to recommend including Haiku (Japanese, next to the entrance of the Apple store) and Golden Bull (Vietnamese, third floor). For the third, entertainment, the aquarium Lujiazui , right under the Oriental Pearl Tower, it offers to large and especially to the children a couple of hours of entertainment with head held high.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Potraits Of Bottemless Women

Turandot (15) - The Temptations

Ping, Pang and Pong, as representatives of established power, immediately seek to bring the young and enthusiastic dreamer with immediate profit prose ("You who gaze at the stars, lower your eyes"), and they do trying to seduce him with those temptations that they know are always very powerful and usually no such resists (the proposals that we can not reject ...): sex, money and power. The
puzzles were three, and three are the temptations, or rather the pressure accompanied by reward.
To save his life, the ministers proposed to the Prince to escape, leaving unfinished the victory, and in exchange offers, if you love what you're looking sexy, so many beautiful girls ("Look, I am beautiful / I am beautiful in bright veils ! lithe body ...").

Al decided not to Calaf, pass the second attack by offering baskets of all kinds of jewels, riches and treasures, pouring abundantly ("blue fire! / These shining gems! / Green splendor! / Pale hyacinths! / The red flames Above Rubies! / I drops of stars! / Get is all yours! "). Without thinking
a moment, the answer is "No!" absolute and then moves to the third proposal: that it relies on the desire for power and glory. "You want glory? We will let you escape ... and go away with the stars, to fabulous empires", suggesting ministers to Calaf, while the entire crowd cheering him to accept and run.
The young hero has needed all his courage to get rid of what looks like a nightmare and calls the dawn, her ally, to pass free of such pressures, and reaffirms "the world collapses, I want to Turandot." It remains so faithful to his research and his heart. Only those chosen souls are so firmly, and the talent to resist such pressures can not be improvised ("I resist everything except temptation, "said Oscar Wilde with the usual, ruthless and ironic truth.)

The theme of temptation in a very difficult test is proper to the great spiritual paths and do not be surprised if we dare to compare to the Buddha and Calaf even the Christ. Prince Siddhartha became the Buddha (the enlightened one) after the famous night when, sitting under the tree of knowledge, he managed to stay completely calm and unflappable in the face of Mara, the demon-eros India that assailed him with visions triggered by the work required of three children, troubled, Inspiration and Pride, and three daughters, dissatisfaction, pleasure and greed. On behalf of the children can understand the nature of temptations and see what are basically the same as the ministers of Calaf in Turandot present. The Buddha's victory will bring the dawn and all of its heavenly rejoice with him ( Aśvaghoṣa , "The deeds of the Buddha, ed. Adelphi).
From Freud we know how powerful and important impulses related to sexuality, so as to have a low sex drive libido all attracting fierce criticism of contemporary educated in the nineteenth-century moral yet (the publication of 'The Interpretation of Dreams "opens in 1900 ) Adler and instead set his whole psychology about the "will to power", another great drive, almost always denied, but just as powerful.
Jung attempt to go beyond, not denying their importance, but recognizing the need to find the man's ultimate self-realization (the process of identification) or not nell'esaudimento immediate removal, but the transformation under the guidance of the instinctual drives of the self. Only a few are committed to this process and the great champions of the spirit are the models.
The temptations that Jesus (before he became the Christ) will face during its 40-day retreat in the deserts miss the temptation of sex (at least the Gospels, which completely removes sexuality, do not mention it) and are pressing ones power, glory and pride to boundless omnipotence. However, it is important that even Jesus had his temptations by the adversary, and only by passing has been able to start the real mission. Other temptations will come back eventually, to underline the difficulty of the choice and the drama of the last sacrifice. Without this, the ethical value does not exist and could be an individual choice.

Returning to Calaf and its temptations, this is the time when there is further clarified the nature of its transport and Turandot, which outlines what is happening is primarily a spiritual path and identified, because all'esaudimento immediate instincts he prefers to fight and to win a woman who is the most secret depths of its soul, which makes it unique and indispensable. Turandot The fascination exerted upon him immediately because of the nature of the projection of Soul, more than a mere sexual attraction, the same projection of Soul that make up Dante and Beatrice which led him to make big business through the " travel "dangerous. Turandot is the Soul to regain it, or rather that aspect of women's inner man, in the progression of the unilateral and domineering patriarchal consciousness, has estranged himself from inimicandosela. Only men more sensitive to notice it, usually artists, and often the poem is a song in search of unity interior (harmony) that we lost long ago, a search of his heartfelt princess raped and abandoned, and when it happens in front of trovarsela, we must be able to do any test to win her back.

Click here for the lyrics to "You who gaze at the stars."

you who watch the stars
lowers her eyes!

Our life is in your hands!

Our life!

Did you hear the call?
the streets of Beijing
Death knocks at every door and shouting
the name! The name


His name!

O blood!

What do you want from me?

of 'what you want! Of 'what you want!

of 'what you want!

PING is the love you seek?

of 'what you want!

of 'what you want!
Well, take it!
Look, they are beautiful, bright veils between
are beautiful!

lithe body ...


promises of ecstasy and embraces prodigious!

Ah, ah! Ah, ah!
Ah, ah! Ah, ah!

No! No!

What do you want?

All the treasures you!
to you! ... To you! ... To you!

Rompon the dark night ...

blue fire!

... these shining gems!

green splendor!

Pale hyacinths!

The flames rose of rubies!

are drops of stars!

blue fire! Get

PING! It's all yours!

red flames!

No! No wealth! No!

You want glory? We
We will let you escape ...

... and go away with the stars
to fabulous empires!

Escape! Escape!

Go 'away, it should be' far away!

ALL Fly, is 'away, it'! Go '!

Go 'away!

Escape! Escape! It should be 'far away, and we all

Alba, come!
dispel this nightmare!

Stranger, you do not know, you do not know what it is capable of
the cruel.

You do not know ...

... what horrible tortures ...

You do not know! You do not know!

... China invents.
If you stay and do not reveal ...

... as we are lost ...

The sleepless will not forgive!
We are lost!
martyrdom will be horrendous!

irons sharp!
The rugged wheels!

martyrdom will be horrendous!


The hot bite of pincers!

Death to sip by sip!

Death to sip by sip!

not kill us!

not to kill us,
no, let us die!

Useless prayers!
threats Useless!
collapse of the world, I want

Director: Zubin Mehta

Thursday, November 25, 2010

св пшкд Sybian

Hipotezo de Gaja kaj la Vivo, kiu kreas sin mem

Antaŭ multaj jaroj, mi legis pri la hipotezo-Gaja (kiu ne estas la gaja hipotezo!), sur la libro de Fritjof Capra, La retoj de la Vivo. Tie, la aŭtoro rakontis, ke du sciencistoj, James Lovelock kaj Linn Margulis, dum la 70aj jaroj, hipotezis, ke la Tero reale estu super-organismo, kiu sukcesis subteni sin, pere de cikloj de sinregulado.
Per la termino super-organismo, oni celas indiki tiujn organismojn, kiuj estas konsistigitaj de multaj pli simplaj organismoj; krome, la super-organismo estas emerĝanta propreco de la interplektita aktivado de ĉiu unuopa organismo, kiu konsistigas ĝin. Ekzemple, la homa organismo, kompare kun ĝiaj ĉeloj, povas esti konsiderita super-organismo: la ĉeloj agas unuope, ĉar ili estas tro simplaj por havi kelkan specon de konscio; tial, ili ne havas konscio pri la aliaj ĉeloj; tio estas, ili reagas al iliaj frataj ĉeloj, sed ne konscie (parte, kiel kiam ni homoj perceptas jukon kaj ne scias la kialon: ni reagas al la juko, sed, plurfoje, tute aŭtomate).
Nun, la hipotezo-Gaja asertas, ke la tutaj organismoj de la Tero (pli aŭ malpli rekte) influu la Teron mem, plutenante la kondiĉojn, kiujn la organismoj mem bezonas.
Ĉu ĉi tiu hipotezo veras? La respondo devas esti pruvita science, kaj la unua paŝo estis la malkovrado de cikloj, kiuj influu la staton de la Tero kaj, samtempe, estu tre forte rilataj al la organismoj.
Mi citos etan pecon de la libro de Capra, La retoj de la Vivo, kie li parolas pri ekzemplo de ĉi tiaj retroagaj cikloj.

La rimarkinda karakterizo de ĉi tiuj retroagaj cikloj estas, ke ili interrilatigas la vivantojn kun la neviva materio. Ni ne plu povas pensi pri la rokoj, la bestoj kaj la plantoj, kvazaŭ ili estu apartaj estaĵoj. La teorio de Gaja pruvas, ke ekzistas forta rilato inter la vivaj partoj de la planedo – plantoj, mikroorganismoj kaj animaloj – kaj la ĝiaj nevivaj partoj – rokoj, oceanoj kaj atmosfero.
La ciklo de la karbona dioksido bone montras tiun aferon. Ekde milionoj da jaroj, la Teraj vulkanoj eligas grandegajn kvantojn de karbona dioksido (CO2). Konsidere ke CO2 estas unu el tiuj gasoj, kiuj pli multe kontribuas al la forceja efiko, Gaja bezonas forigi ĝin el la atmosfero, alie la planeda temperaturo tro altiĝus kaj la vivo estingiĝus. Plantoj kaj animaloj recikligas grandegajn kvantojn de CO2 kaj de oksigeno dum la procezoj de fotosintezo, spirado kaj putrado. Kaj tamen, ĉi tiuj interŝanĝoj ĉiam ekvilibriĝas kaj ne havas influo sur la nivelo de CO2 en la atmosfero. Laŭ la teorio de Gaja, la eksceso de karbona dioksido en la atmosfero estas forigita, pere de vasta retroaga ciklo, kie la veterdisfalo de la rokoj (petroj) estas fundamenta elemento.

CO2 Ciklo - 01 - eo
CO2 Ciklo - 01 - eo
CO2 Ciklo - 02 - eo
CO2 Ciklo - 02 - eo

En la procezo de veterdisfalo de la petroj, la rokoj de la Tera krusto kombiniĝas kun la pluva akvo kaj la karbona dioksido por formi diversajn kemiajn kombinaĵojn, kiuj nomiĝas karbonatoj. Tiele, la CO2 estas forprenita al la atmosfero kaj tenita en likvaj solvaĵoj. Ĉi tiuj procezoj estas tute kemiaj kaj ne bezonas la partoprenon de vivantaj organismoj. Tamen, Lovelock kaj aliaj sciencistoj eltrovis, ke la ĉeesto de bakterioj en la grundo multe pliigas la rapidecon de la procezo de veterdisfalo. Iasence, la bakterio, ĉeestantaj en la tero, agas kiel katalizilo en la procezo de veterdisfalo de la petroj, kaj la tuta ciklo de la karbona dioksido povas biologie esti konsiderita sammaniere al la katalizaj cikloj, kiuj estis studataj de Manfred Eigen.
En posta tempo, la karbonatoj, disperdiĝas en la oceano, kie tre etaj algoj, nevideblaj nudokule, sorbas kaj uzas ilin por konstrui prilaboritajn ŝelojn de gipso (kalcia karbonato). Tiele, la CO2, kiu estis en la atmosfero, nun estas en la ŝeloj de ĉi tiuj etaj algoj. Krome, la oceanaj algoj sorbas alian karbonan dioksidon rekte el la areo.

Coccolithus pelagicus
Coccolithus pelagicus

Kiam la algoj mortas, iliaj ŝeloj deponiĝas sur la oceana fundo, kie ili formas vastajn sedimentojn de kalkoŝtono (alia formo de kalcia karbonato). Pro ilia ega pezo, la sedimentoj de kalkoŝtono enprofundiĝas malrapide en la Tera mantelo kaj ili solviĝis, kaj ili eĉ povas startigi la moviĝon de la tektonikaj platoj. Fine, parto de la CO2 enhavita en la fanditaj rokoj estas denove eligita de la vulkanoj kaj startigas novan rondiron en la granda ciklo de Gaja.
La tuta ciklo, kiu interrilatigas la vulkanojn al la veterdisfalo de la petroj, al la bakterioj en la grundo, al la algoj en la oceano, al la sedimentoj de kalkoŝtono kaj denove al la vulkanoj – agas kiel grandega retroaga ciklo, kiu kontribuas al la regulado de la Tera temperaturo. Kiam la Suna varmiĝo pliiĝas, estas instigita la bakterian agon en la grundo, kaj tio pliigas la rapidecon de la procezo de veterdisfalo de la petroj. Siavice, ĉi tiu procezo forigas pli grandajn kvantojn da CO2 el la atmosfero kaj tial malvarmigas la planedon. Laŭ Lovelock kaj Margulis, similaj retroagaj cikloj – kiuj interrilatigas vegetalojn kaj rokojn, animalojn kaj atmosferajn gasojn, mikroorganismojn kaj oceanojn – regulas la Teran klimaton, la salecon de ĝiaj oceanoj kaj aliajn gravajn planedajn kondiĉojn.

Kun ĉi tiu ekzemplo en mia menso dum la jaroj, dum la antaŭa printempo, tagon mi promenis laŭ ordinara trotuaro, kiam mi ekrimarkis planton. Ĝi estis unu el tiuj simplaj plantoj, kiujn kutime oni ne konsideras. Ili kreskas en ĉiu fendo de la stratoj, kaj nur daŭra kaj laciga homa laboro sukcesas haltigi ilian kreskon kaj ilian disvastiĝon.
Nu, je tiu momento, ĵus kiam mi ekrimarkis tiun etan planton, mi komprenis gravaĵon: tiu planto ne havis radikojn, kiuj atingu la teron. Sub ĝi estis nur asfalto kaj ŝtona slabo, tial ĝi maleblis atingi la necesajn substancojn de la tero. La sola maniero, pro kiu ĝi povis transvivi, estis, ke ĝi kreis tiujn kondiĉojn.

Mi eksplikos ĉi tiun pli klare.
La radikoj de la plantoj estis tie, sed ili ne atingis la profundan teron, kiel la pli bonŝancaj kuzoj, kiuj tre bele kreskis apud ĝi, en la proksima ĝardeno. Ne, mia eta planto havis sian radikojn, sed ili estis tre mallongaj kaj restis tre proksimaj al ĝi. Eĉ sub ĝi. Kaj sub ĝi estis eta kaj maldika imitaĵo de la tero de ĝiaj kuzoj, fare de putraj folioj, polvo, cigareda cindro kaj papero. Mi tuj komprenis, ke tiu estis ekzakte la ĝusta loko, kie tiu eta planto povu naskiĝi: tie estis fendo, hazarda kaj eta malglataĵo de la trotuaro. Tie, iomete ŝirmitaj de la vento kaj aliaj agantoj, akumuliĝis diversaj materioj, tute hazarde. Tie, tiuj materioj povis putriĝi, kreante kompaktan substancon, kiu estis iom algluiĝema kaj tial rezista al la ventoj, kaj al la laboro de la purigistoj. Kaj, tiu putra koto, preskaŭ nekredeble por ni "puraj" homoj, tiel iĝis bona lulilo por la Naturo. Kaj, dum printempo, la plej parto de la semoj neniam rimarkis tiun algluiĝantan putraĵon, sed kelkaj el ili iris tien tute hazarde. Kaj tie, tiuj semoj trovis protektadon, kaj ili povis, dum malmulta tempo, montriĝis al la mondo, belaj kiel la Naturo faris ilin. Kaj poste ili mortis, kiel la tutaj vivuloj, sed iliaj infanoj povis profiti de tiu eta loko, kiu iam estis putraĵo, kaj nun estas aliaĵo, kiu estis modifita de ilia patro, kies restaĵoj fariĝis tero kaj nutraĵo por ĝiaj infanaj plantoj. Kaj ili nur devis danki ĝian patron, ĉar ilia loko, ilia hejmo, estis pli komforta ol tiu, kiun trovis ilia patro. Generacio post generacio, tiuj plantoj plivastigas ilian teran bazon, kaj, sen la homa interveno, la homa konstruaĵoj frue foriĝos, fariĝintaj manĝaĵo por tiuj etaj plantoj. Kaj la tuto fariĝis tre komforta por la plantoj, tute malsimile al tiu komenca trotuaro, kaj tute simila al la ĝardeno de la la kuzoj de la origina planto.
Finfine mi tute komprenis tion: la vivo vere kreas la kondiĉojn por sia vivo. Eble, Lovelock vidis bone.

Hodiaŭ mi fotografis kelkajn el tiaj trotuaraj plantoj. Mi esperas, ke nun vi vidu ilin per diversaj okuloj, kaj almenaŭ unufoje en via vivo, haltu fronte al ili kaj observu ilin por kapti la belecon kaj la potencon de la Naturo, kiu luktas por obteni sian vivrajton.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tajima Dgml Designer Software

Turandot (14) - Night Vigil

"Turandot: Nessun dorma in Beijing tonight." With this edict, proclaimed dall'araldo begins the third act.
We are in the middle of the story and the night falls, with all its darkness and its threat of death. Turandot, the powerful, has given orders to search all the ways to steal the name of the foreigner, the death penalty for all. It is the darkest moment, and fear spreads like a contagion. The contagious nature of fear is made with exemplary immediacy and simplicity, without morals or judgments: so, and the crowd at the mercy of fear is like a field of waving grain, depending on wind direction, without any sense or critical thinking. The same people who just moments before had praised the prince winner ("Glory, glory, or winner! / May life smile!") Now insult ("You damned! Before we die / You ruthless, cruel thou ... ").
that the crowd is operated through fear is a reality as old as human society and the tyrants and dictators have always know this and take advantage of ( Elias Canetti we wrote about a wonderful book, "Crowds and Power", ed. Adelphi). We should remind ourselves more often and be careful!

dell'araldo The phrase ("Nessun dorma ...") is taken from the air Calaf most famous work, but the way it is reversed: what was supposed to be a night of fear and death can become waiting for hope and a prelude to love. The princess herself, even in the chill that still surrounds it, is invited to watch the stars that tremble with love and hope, "and the song ends with the assurance that dawn will bring victory and the rising of the sun heats and break the ice, delivering, through the heat of the first kiss, Turandot to a new life. Even those who know only superficially
Puccini's opera has certainly listened to and loved this song, which rightly became an anthem to hope and renewal and, as such, acts unconsciously, even if we do not stop to think about it, because the power Music acts directly on our parts and influences our emotional states of mind, without going through the head (for luck).
Note the reference to the stars. It seems obvious that there are the stars at night, but here, until now, has dominated the moon, the moon and go to the stars has a definite symbolic meaning. The stars and the moon are more than from the sun, because it does not directly affect the Earth, life insurance and fertility: they are more distant, their light has a function of orientation. Symbolically not belong to either the female or the male (what sex are angels?) Because they are above and beyond, as well as conflicts between the sexes. They represent a "direction", a new point of reference and guidance, strive for a higher spiritual vision which reconciles any conflict. This is not the deep impression which makes us contemplate the starry sky, making it seem small and insignificant our problems and looking forever?

Click here for the text of "Nessun dorma".

Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma!
Even you, o princess in your cold room
watch the stars that tremble with love and hope ...
But my secret is hidden within me, my name no one will know!
No, no, your mouth will tell you, when the light shines ...
And my kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine.

His name no one will know ...
And we must, alas, die, die!

this night! Set, stars!
I will win! I win!

Luciano Pavarotti

Franco Corelli

Giuseppe Di Stefano

Placido Domingo
José Carreras

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Wedding At The Monterey Aquarium

Hold on there, man Koreas

Even this morning, accompanying my daughter to kindergarten, I have crossed different, even with their babies in their arms or hands, which are quick to quick and short little steps towards the gate of our compound , where children are taken by different buses targati Dullwich , SSIS , Newton, Eton.

Even this morning I saw them take the short drive back and forth in small groups, two three here, two or three there, intent perhaps to exchange impressions, perhaps advice, perhaps simple updates on their children.

morning I imagined that outcrop on their lips the words of meaning and value also very different. Strong words, words that weigh.

Watching from afar, who in sunglasses, who under the visor, who put in from home with a sweater stuck to last, I wondered what their mood.

I wondered what these mothers think Korean what happened yesterday on the island of Yeonpyeong, but especially what they think of the potential consequences of this latest spark.

How To Make A3 In Powerpoint 2010

Turandot (13) - Summary

1, framework, Garden of the palace.

Night. The voices of the heralds announce orders of Turandot in Beijing that nobody sleeps until it is discovered the name of the unknown prince. Calaf quiet waiting for the sunrise ("Nessun dorma, one of the most famous arias of the operatic repertoire).
Ping, Pong and Pang are called to offer him in exchange for his name, everything a man could want: beautiful girls, riches, glory and freedom. But the prince does not leave or move from promises nor threats. Meanwhile, the soldiers introduce Timur and Liu, among the crowd because some witnesses have seen them talk to Calaf and then you suspect that you know its name. Turandot orders Timur to be put to torture, but Liu says that only she knows the name of the prince. Face Turandot (Tu gel that six boundary), then commits suicide rather than betray the secret of the man she loves (Turandot, "Who put so much strength in your heart?" / Liu: "Princess, love"). Turandot is shaken by this gesture. Left alone with her, Calaf, Turandot having reproached her coldness, overcoming resistance takes it with passion in his arms and kisses her. It is dawn. Calaf reveals his name and once again puts his fate in the hands of Turandot.

the 2nd picture, Inside the imperial palace.

The court and the whole crowd is waiting for the appearance of Turandot which will announce the outcome of research. Turandot appears radiant at the top of the stairs and claim to know the name of the unknown prince, whose name is Love. Calaf embraces her while the crowd cheers (Grand final symphonic-choral on the themes of the work).

Maikeku Yogurt Machine Taylor

Restu Malsata. Restu Naiva.

Mi tradukis ĉi tiun prelegon, kiun eldiris Steve Jobs. Mi pensas, ke ĝi estas unu el la plej bonaj lecionoj pri vivado, kiun oni povas aŭskulti aŭ legi. Mi donas la tradukon de ĝi al la Esperanta mondo, kiu, danke al ĝiaj frenezaj ideoj, daŭre vivas tre aktive kaj tre amuze.

Ĉi tie vi povas trovi la origina-lingvan prelegon .

Ĉi tiu estas la teksto de la magistriĝa ceremonio, fare de Steve Jobs, delegita administranto de Apple Computer kaj de Pixar Animation Studios, eldirita je la 12an de Junio 2005.

Estas por mi honoro esti hodiaŭ ĉe via magistriĝa ceremonio en unu el la plej bonaj universitatoj de la tuta Tero. Mi neniam magistriĝis. Dirante la veron, ĉi tiu estas la plej proksima aĵo al magistriĝo. Hodiaŭ mi volas rakonti al vi tri historiojn el mia vivo. Jen la tuto. Nenio mirinda. Nur tri historioj.

La unua historio estas pri la kunligado de la punktoj.

Mi retiriĝis el kolegio Reed post la unuaj ses monatoj, sed mi restis tie kiel enŝoviĝinto, dum ĉirkaŭ aliaj 18 monatoj, antaŭ mi vere retiriĝis. Do, kial mi retiriĝis?

Ĉio komencis antaŭ mia naskiĝo. Mia biologia patrino estis juna, ne edziniĝinta, magistriĝinta studentino, kaj ŝi decidis lasi min por esti adoptita. Ŝi tre forte volis, ke mi estu adoptita de magistroj, tial ĉio estis aranĝita tiel, ke, post mia naskiĝo, mi estu adoptota de advokato kaj lia edzino. Escepte de ilia repripenso: kiam mi estis ĵus naskiĝinta, ili decidis, ke ili reale volis inon. Tiam, miaj gepatroj, kiuj estis ĉe atendolisto, nokte ricevis vokon, kiu demandis: "Ni havas ne antaŭviditan viran infanon; ĉu vi volas lin?" Ili diris: "Kompreneble." Poste, mia biologia patrino malkovris, ke mia patrino neniam magistriĝis kaj mia patro eĉ neniam diplomiĝis. Ŝi rifuzis subskribi la finajn foliojn de la adopto. Ŝi nur akceptos post malmultaj monatoj, kiam miaj gepatroj promesis, ke iam mi iros al universitato.

Kaj post 17 jaroj, mi vere iris al universitato. Tamen mi naive elektis universitaton, kiu estis ĉirkaŭ multekosta kiel Stanford, kaj la tutaj ŝparoj de miaj laboristaj gepatroj estis elspezitaj por miaj universitataj taksoj. Post ses monatoj, mi ne eblis trovi la valoron en ĝi. Mi ne havis ideon pri tio, kion mi volis fari kun mia vivo, kaj pri kiel la universitato povis helpi min malkovri ĝin. Kaj tie mi estis elspezanta la tutan monon, kiun miaj gepatroj ŝpari dum ilia tuta vivo. Do, mi decidis retiriĝi kaj kredi, ke ĉio estos bona. Ĝi estis tre timiga tiam, sed repripensante ĝin, ĝi estis unu el la plej bonaj decidoj, kiujn mi ĉiam faris. Kiam mi retiriĝis, mi haltis sekvi kursojn, kiuj ne interesigis min, kaj mi komencis sekvi nur tiujn, kiuj ŝajnis al mi interesaj.

Ne ĉio estis romantika. Mi ne havis dormoĉambron, do mi dormis sur la pavimo en la ĉambroj de amikoj, mi retiris kokakolaajn botelojn por la 5 centimoj de depono, per kiuj mi aĉetis manĝaĵon, kaj mi paŝis tra la 7 miloj ĉiudimanĉe, por akiri unufoje semajne bonan manĝaĵon ĉe la templo Hare Krishna. Mi amis ĝin. Kaj multon el tio, kion mi hazarde renkontis sekvante mian scivolemon kaj intuicion, fariĝis nekalkuleble grava. Lasu min doni al vi ekzemplon:

La kolegio Reed tiam oferis eble la plej bonan instruadon de la lando pri kaligrafio. Tra la tuta kolegio, ĉiu afiŝo, ĉiu etikedo sur ĉiu tirkesto, estis belege skribita mane. Ĉar mi retiriĝis kaj mi ne devis sekvi la ordinarajn kursojn, mi decidis sekvi kaligrafian kurson por lerni kiel fari tion. Mi lernis pri la karaktroj serif kaj san serif, pri variado de la spaco inter diversaj literaj kombinaĵoj, pri kio igas la elstaran tipografion elstara. Tio estis belega, historie kaj arte rafinita, laŭ maniero, kiun la scienco ne povas rikolti, kaj mi trovis ĝin fascina.

Nenio el tio havis esperon pri trovi ian praktikan utilon en mia vivo. Tamen, post dek jaroj, kiam ni estis projektanta la unuan komputilon Macintosh, ĉio malkovriĝis utila por mi. Kaj ni enirigis tute ĝin en Mac. Ĝi estis la unua komputilo kun tre bela tipografio. Se mi neniam estus enŝoviĝinta en tiu unuopa kurso en la universitato, Mac neniam estus havinta la multenombrajn karakterojn aŭ la proporcie interspacigitajn tipojn. Kaj konsidere ke Vindozo nur kopiis Mac, verŝajne neniu persona komputilo estus havinta ilin. Se mi neniam estus retiriĝinta, mi neniam estus enŝoviĝinta en tiu kaligrafia kurso, kaj la personaj komputiloj povus ne havi la mirindan tipografion, kiun ili havas. Kompreneble, maleblis la kunligado de la punktoj antaŭrigardante kiam mi estis ĉe la universitato. Sed ĝi estis tre, tre klara, kiam mi rerigardis ĉion post dek jaroj.

Denove, vi ne povas kunligi la punktojn antaŭrigardante; vi nur povas kunligi ilin postrigardante. Tial, vi devas kredi, ke la punktoj iel kunligiĝos en via estonteco. Vi devas kredi ion -- via ventro, destino, vivo, karmo, io ajn. Tiu ĉi metodo neniam lasis min malbone, kaj ĝi estis la plej granda elemento, kiu diferencigis mian vivon.

Mia dua historio estas pri amo kaj perdo.

Mi estis bonŝanca -- mi trovis tion, kion mi amis fari frue en mia vivo. Woz kaj mi fondis Apple ĉe mia gepatra garaĝo, kiam mi estis 20-jara. Ni intense laboris, kaj en 10 jaroj Apple kreskis ekde ni du en garaĝo al 2$-miliarda-entrepreno kun pli ol 4000 oficistoj. Ni ĵus eldonis nian pli bonan kreaĵon - Macintosh - antaŭ jaro, kaj mi ĵus fariĝis 30-jara. Kaj tiam mi estis maldungita. Kiel vi povas esti maldungita de entrepreno, kiun vi mem kreis? Nu, kiam Apple kreskis, ni dungis iun, kiu ŝajnis al mi talenta por estri la entreprenon kun mi, kaj dum la unua jaro ĉio bonis. Sed poste niaj vidpunktoj pri la estonteco komencis disiĝis kaj fine ni atingis malkonsenton. Kiam tio okazis, nia administra konsilo subtenis lin. Tial, je miaj 30a jaroj, mi estis fortranĉita. Kaj tre publike fortranĉita. Tio, kio estis la centro de mia tuta plenkreska vivo, foriĝis, kaj mi estis disfalinta.

Mi reale ne sciis kion fari dum kelka posta monato. Mi sentis, ke mi seniluziigis la antaŭan generacion de entreprenistoj - ke mi perdis la torĉon, kiel ĝi estis donita al mi. Mi renkontis David Packard kaj Bob Noyce kaj mi provis pardonpeti por esti ruiniginta ĉion tiel malbone. Mi estis tre publika fiasko, kaj mi eĉ pensis foriri el la silikona valo. Tamen io komencis kreski en mia menso - mi ankoraŭ amis tion, kion mi faris. La okazaĵoj ĉe Apple ne ŝanĝis iomete tion. Mi estis forĵetita, sed mi ankoraŭ estis enamiĝinta. Tial mi decidis starti denove.

Tiam mi ne vidis ĝin, sed mi malkovris, ke la maldungo de Apple estis la plej bona afero, kiu povis okazi al mi. La pezeco de la sukceso estis anstataŭita de la malpezeco de esti denove novulo, malpli certa pri ĉio. Tio permesis min eniri unu el la plej kreemaj periodoj de mia vivo.

Dum la sekvaj kvin jaroj, mi kreis entreprenon, kiu nomiĝis NeXT, kaj alian entreprenon, kiu nomiĝis Pixar, kaj mi enamiĝis al mirinda virino, kiu iĝis mia edzino. Pixar kreis monde la unuan komputilo-animitan filmon, Toy Story, kaj estas la plej sukcesa firmo pri komputilo-animado en la tuta Tero. Per rimarkinda turno de la eventoj, Apple akiris NeXT, mi reiris al Apple, kaj la teknologio, kiun ni evoluigis ĉe NeXT, estas la kerno de la aktuala renaskiĝo de Apple. Kaj Laurene kaj mi kune havas mirindan familion.

Mi estas preskaŭ certa, ke nenio el tio estus okazinta, se mi ne estus maldungita de Apple. Estis medicino kun abomena gusto, sed mi opinias, ke la paciento bezonis ĝin. Kelkfoje la vivo frapas vin en la kapo per briko. Ne perdu fidon. Mi certas, ke la sola afero, kiu plutenis min moviĝanta, estis, ke mi amis tion, kion mi faris. Vi devas trovi tion, kion vi amas. Kaj tio veras pri via laboro, kiel pri via amoj. Via laboro plenigos la plej parton de via vivo, kaj la sola maniero, por esti vere kontenta, estas fari tion, kion vi pensas esti grandioza laboro. Kaj la sola maniero por fari grandiozan laboron estas ami tion, kion vi faras. Se vi ankoraŭ ne trovis ĝin, daŭrigu la serĉadon. Ne haltu. Kiel kun ĉiuj koraj aferoj, vi scios kiam vi trovos ĝin. Kaj, kiel ĉiu valora rilato, ju pli jaroj pasas, des pli ĝi pliboniĝas. Do, daŭrigu la serĉadon, ĝis vi trovos ĝin. Ne haltu.

Mia tria historio estas pri morto.

Kiam mi estis 17-jara, mi legis citaĵon, kiu asertis la jenan: "Se vi vivas ĉiun tagon, kiel ĝi estu la lasta, iun tagon vi sendube estos ĝusta." Ĝi impresis min, kaj ekde tiam, dum la lastaj 33 jaroj, mi rigardis la spegulon ĉiumatene, demandante al mi mem: "Se hodiaŭ estus la lasta tago de mia vivo, ĉu mi volus fari tion, kion mi devos fari hodiaŭ?" Kaj kiam la respondo estas "Ne" dum tro multaj sinsekvaj tagoj, mi scias, ke mi bezonas ŝanĝi ion.

Memori, ke mi frue estos mortinta, estas la plej grava ilo, kiun mi iam renkontis por helpi min fari la grandajn elektojn en mia vivo. Konsidere, ke preskaŭ ĉion - ĉiuj eksteraj atendoj, ĉiu orgojlo, ĉiuj timoj pro embaraso aŭ fiasko - tiuj ĉi aferoj nur foriĝas fronte al la morto, lasante nur tion, kio vere gravas. Memori, ke vi estas mortonta, estas la plej bona metodo, kiun mi konas, por eviti la kaptilon, kiu kredigas vin, ke vi havas ion, kion vi povas perdi. Vi jam estas nudaj. Ne ekzistas rezono, pro kiu vi ne devas sekvi vian koron.

Antaŭ ĉirkaŭ jaro, la kuracistoj trovis en mi kanceron. Mi havis skandon je la 7:30 matene, kaj ĝi klare montris tumoron ĉe mia pankreato. Mi eĉ ne sciis, kio estu pankreato. La kuracistoj diris al mi, ke tiu estis preskaŭ sendube speco de kancero, kiu nekuraceblas, kaj ke mi devis atendi vivon ne pli longa ol tri/ses monatoj. Mia kuracisto konsilis al mi iri hejmen kaj reordigi miajn aferojn, kiu estas la kuracista kodo por "pretigas vin al la morto." Tio signifas, klopodo por diri al viaj idoj ĉion, kiun vi estus dironta dum la sekvaj 10 jaroj, en nur malmultaj monatoj. Tio signifas certiĝi, ke ĉio estos bona tiel, ke ĉio estos plejeble simpla por via familio. Tio signifas diri viajn adiaŭojn.

Mi vivis ĉiun tagon kun tiu diagnozo. Pli malfrue, tiun vesperon, mi submetis min al biopsio, kaj ili enirigis endoskopon en mian gorĝon, tra mia stomako kaj miaj intestoj, metis kudrilon en mia pankreato kaj akiris kelkajn ĉelojn el la tumoro. Mi estis anestezita, sed mia edzino, kiu estis tie, rakontis al mi, ke kiam ili vidis la ĉelojn per la mikroskopo, la kuracistoj ekkriis, ĉar ĝi estis tre malofta speco de pankreata tumoro, kiu estis kuracebla per kirurgio. Mi submetiĝi al kirurgia interveno kaj mi nun bonas.

Ĉi tiu estis la plej proksima travivaĵo al la morto, kiun mi iam spertis, kaj mi esperas, ke ĝi estu la plej proksima dum la sekvaj dekoj. Transvivinte tion, mi nun povas diris tion ĉi al vi kun iom pli certeco, ol kiam la morto estis nur utila sed tute intelekta koncepto:

Neniu volas morti. Eĉ la personoj, kiuj volas iri al paradizo, ne volas morti por atingi ĝin. Kaj, malgraŭ ĉio, morto estas la finpunkto, kiun ni ĉiuj devas alfronti. Neniu iam fuĝis el ĝi. Kaj tio estas kiel devas, ĉar la Morto verŝajne estas la plej bona elpensaĵo de la Vivo. Ĝi estas la ŝanĝanta aganto de la Vivo. Ĝi forigas la malnovon, liberigante spacon por la novo. Precize nun, la novo estas vi, sed iu tago, ne multe malfrua ekde nun, vi grade iĝos la malnovo kaj vi estos forigitaj. Mi bedaŭras esti tiel drama, sed ĝi estas tre vera.

Via tempo estas limigita, tial ne forĵetu ĝin, vivante la vivon de aliulo. Ne estu kaptitaj de la dogmoj - kiu estas vivi kun la rezultoj de aliula pensado. Ne lasu, ke la bruo de aliulaj opinioj sufoku vian enan voĉon. Kaj plej grava, havu la kuraĝon por sekvi vian koron kaj intuicion. Ili iel jam scias tion, kio vi reale volas iĝi. Ĉio alia estas duagrada.

Kiam mi estis juna, estis mirinda eldono, kiu nomiĝis "La katalogo de la tuta Tero" ("The Whole Earth Catalog"), kiu estis unu el al biblioj de mia generacio. Ĝi estis kreita de ulo nomita Stewart Brand, ne fora de ĉi tie en la parko Menlo, kaj li naskis ĝin per sia poezia tuŝo. Tio estis dum la 60aj jaroj, antaŭ la personaj komputiloj kaj la tabla eldonado, tial tio estis tute farita per skribmaŝinoj, tondiloj kaj polaroidoj. Ĝi estis speco de Google en papera formo, antaŭ 35 jaroj: ĝi estis ideala, kaj superplena de inteligentaj iloj kaj grandegaj nocioj.

Stewart kaj lia teamo eldonis plurfoje "La katalogo de la tuta Tero", kaj tiam, kiam ĝi finis sian vojon, ili eldonis lastan numeron. Estis dum la mezaj 70aj, kaj mi estis via aĝa. Ĉe la malantaŭa kovrilo de la lasta numero estis bildo pri frua mateno de kampara strato, la speco kie vi povus trovi vin mem petveturante, se vi estus tiel aventurema. Sub ĝi estis la vortoj: "Restu Malsata. Restu Naiva." Ĝi estis ilia adiaŭa mesaĝo. Restu Malsata. Restu Naiva. Kaj mi ĉiam volis tion por mi mem. Kaj nun, kiam vi magistriĝos por starti denove, mi volas tion por vi.

Restu Malsata. Restu Naiva.

Multajn dankojn al vi.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Greeting For A New Baby


usually sneaks into the house looking down, even a 'morose, not without having pulled the blue plastic shoe covers, a "ni hao" I feel strangled barely. Holding the bottle of water to 18 liters. A few steps down the hall entrance, then the two steps left, 4 more steps. He puts the bottle of water on the floor. Grab the empty one, it gets up and slips off easily, it rests on the ground. He bends down and picks up the full, giving himself up the momentum with your legs, it places the neck down, the wheel slightly to stick properly. The sound of flowing water. Get out of my hands the coupon and without hesitation - perhaps just enough time to look up and take a snapshot of what who can see the house - traces back the same steps, obviously in a hurry, closing the door behind him. The procedure takes less than a minute.

This time he looked at me in the eye immediately, entered confidently and without embarrassment, he deliberately took the time to look around, followed me without rushing toward the water dispenser, his gaze that is not afraid shame or dwell on the details of the house. While diluting and linger movements, uncorks the bottle again and pulls out an empty one, ask me - in a dialect that is not here, and with a speed that allows me to extract only the way - where I come from. Italy say. Ah, Italian pasta! You know? wonder, do you like? Very much so, he says is under threat. The you can do? Yes, of course I reply, including the dazed and surprised. Ah, now he adds a bit 'too uninhibited, then you cook. Well, yes, now a bit 'annoyed by the intrusion of tone more than anything else. One dish, how much? I asked in a dry and straightforward. What? frowned. A plate of pasta, how much? What, what? now completely amazed. How much? Yes, how much it costs. How much, what? And still more surprised, now a little 'shot, a grin on his face that I hope he understands ... How much pasta? At the restaurant? In the shops? Here in China? or in Italy? So, you want to know? Then I understand. How much would I pay the a plate of pasta.

dazed to say the least, I turn and I went toward the door, making the road. Do you follow me, without hurrying, always looking around, looking a little 'arrogant. Showed him the door, slips the shoes without feeling the rush on him, comes out and greets.

close the door. I feel my ayi laughing from upstairs. "Tang ayi, but I understand you correctly? Wanted to know what would do him a plate of pasta?". Yes, I understand.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

What Does Cm Look Like Around Period Time

Turandot Act III (12) - The revival

Here begins the most original part of the story, a variation from the classical theme of the hero, at least in the West (in the East and in other cultures there are well-established alternative, but this is a topic that would take us too away, even if is close to my heart and hope to deal with it at length elsewhere), where the victory is always followed by the appropriation and use of the spoils, even as a princess, never ask if you agree (you assume).
Turandot does not want to accept defeat ("No, no, I'll be yours! I do not want, I will not!") And the face of such resistance Unknown Prince declares that he does not want by force, but "all burning with love", although even the emperor would be willing to keep the sacred oath, to compel the union forced daughter.
He raises the challenge once again at your own risk: arises voluntarily at the mercy of Turandot, which was given the opportunity to kill again before dawn if you manage to know his name.
is taking place a mirror very important: it was revealed the name of the princess, now must be given the name of the man, the prince still "unknown", so that the reciprocity to begin operations, the darkness will give way to light , to frost heat.

remember that at the beginning of the work, when there is an encounter with his father, we are told that Timur is the deposed king of the Tartars, then it is the Crown Prince Calaf. But we know that the very same Turandot Tartar King was guilty of the crime against the sweet Lou-Ling. And now it's the prince of the Tartars who must repair the horror aroused by his ancestor is even more significant. If revenge is by far, the repair also comes through the lengthy process of generations, from father to son, according to biblical times and archetypal ...
What had been taken by force must be regained by love! It is a principle that seems obvious, but that is totally new to the heroic mentality based on conquest, war, victory, booty. That love is stronger than the law has already been announced by Christ two thousand years ago (Gospel = good news), but the Western consciousness, despite having formally accepted, has never really done his and fully understood, being perched on the "rights" and then the winners of the strongest and doers.

In Buddhist teaching, he coached the East consciences, through yogic practices, the non-attachment and desire and the tranquility of the soul, and with Gandhi's was the only real attempt enforcement policies " non-violence " but we know that the dominant culture remains rooted in the mentality of the heroic struggle that results in the abasement of the opponent ("rogue states"!).
So the attitude of Calaf is absolutely new! He tries to win, "placing itself under," at the mercy of others. It is not passive or defeatist, much less depressed or victim is indeed full of hope that was the solution to the first question, his blood is warm and generous as the second and do not want to surrender to the One who is defying death, which is the same award last riddle.
Maybe we can find a similar attempt to redeem him to undergo female Prince Myshkin in Dostoevsky's (Anti-hero par excellence ...), and certainly the charm of the Russian character is in full candor and boundless mercy and compassion, however, very different attitudes from the hot passion of Calaf and his active spirit (he remains a hero, even if a solution is different from the classic heroes).
that the behavior of Calaf is centered on eros, while that of Turandot is centered on the logos, it seems that they want to overthrow the clichés queen eros woman and man ruler of the logos. But Jung has taught us how these categories are relevant where they relate to men and women in particular, and have a valid "archetypal," that allude to forms of ways of structuring principles: male and female as aspects of differentiation of the universal consciousness, as well as day and night are part of a single time through differentiated opposites.
The female counterpart in humans is called by Jung "Anima" and is a function primarily of the report, which regulates and determines the quality of the emotional world and man's relationship with one's inner world and the outside, especially with the woman . It goes without saying that those who do have a soul more diverse and better trained people are more open to feeling and eros. In this sense, Calaf is certainly a man whose soul is well developed and can drive safely there where another outcome.

Click here for the lyrics of "Son of Heaven."

Son of Heaven! Father August!
Do not throw your daughter into the arms of the stranger!

oath is sacred!

No, do not say! Your daughter is sacred!
can not give me to him,
to him as a slave.
Ah, no! Your daughter is sacred!

can not give me to him like a slave die of shame!
not look at me like that!
you who mock my pride,
do not look like that!
I will not be yours! No, I will not be yours!
I do not want I will not!

oath is sacred!

oath is sacred!
Won, Princess!
He offered his life for you!

never possess me no!

the reward of his daring!

in your arms I want to force
reluctant, quivering?

is sacred and holy,
is sacred oath is sacred!

No, no, alters Princess!
I want you all burning with love!

Courageous! Bold!
Courageous! O cool!

Three puzzles hast proposed, and three
I solved.
only one to do you propose: The
not know my name. Tell me my name.
Tell me my name before dawn, and dawn
die ...

Heaven forbid that with the first sun
my son you are!

At your feet we prostrate ourselves,
Light, ruler of the world!
for your wisdom, for your kindness
we give ourselves to you, happy in humility,
you go up our love!
Ten thousand years to our Emperor!
To you, the heir-Hien Wang gridiam us:
Ten thousand years to our Emperor!
Hold high the flags!
Glory! Glory!
Eva Marton, Placido Domingo

L. Udovich, F. Corelli

B. Nilsson & G. Cecchele

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Marry In Dise

Kiel rapide serĉi per NPIV 2002 (papera aŭ pdf-a versio): litera indekso

La Nova Plena Ilustrita Vortaro (NPIV) estas tre bela kaj unuopa libro. Tamen ĝi ankoraŭ estas papera libro, kaj uzi ĝin, kiam oni devas rapide skribi interrete, ne estas la plej facila de la agoj.

Tial, mi imagas, ke multaj ol la esperantistoj, post la akiro de la papera vortaro, serĉis pdf-version. Ĉi tiu versio ekzistas, kaj tamen la paĝoj ne estas tekste serĉeblaj, ĉar ili estas kiel bildoj, ne kiel tekstoj. Bedaŭrinde, uzi la pdf-versio de NPIV tiel maniere estas verŝajne nur iomete pli komforta ol la papera versio.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Remedies For Nair Burn

Turandot (11) - The puzzles

Turandot's challenge to men is at an intellectual level, through that logos which traditionally is the privileged terrain of men, and by tradition the woman is recognized as ground overlooking the feeling: 's eros.
A woman who dared to humiliate the man with the thought! We even beyond feminism and only a princess (a superior in rank) can afford it. In retaliation the man down on his own ground and defeats him. But we also know that Turandot is actually a deeply wounded woman and her eros is frozen.

The theme of the puzzles is not new in the myths, just think of Oedipus, which meets on his journey to the Sphinx. Have solved the riddle Oedipus assures the hand of Queen and the throne of Thebes, with all that follows ...
Oedipus took the riddle proposed by the Sphinx to the letter down to a "riddle" and not understanding the nature of the problem before him: the search for his true identity and the unveiling of the mystery of his birth. Read what James Hillman says about "Oedipus had a first opportunity to practice psychology with the Sphinx's ear, and instead listens to her as if it were a riddle, as if he raised a question. L 'listen with the ear heroic. "I shut my mouth" (Storr, v. 397). "solved the riddle with my own understanding" (Grene, v. 398). In this passage, Oedipus boosts its position heroic speaking of himself in person as it has done hitherto rarely in the text. Close the mouth of the Sphinx, which is another way to plug their ears, is a gesture full of meaning for which the chorus praises him in the last verses of the tragedy: "Look at this Oedipus / she knew the famous riddles and was the most valent among men "(vv. 1524-1525). For the most valiant man, a conundrum becomes a problem to be solved by vanquish. In addition, a ainigma , as observed by Marie Delcourt, refers to " everything has a double meaning: symbols, oracles, called Pythagoreans sapienzali ..." A puzzle is like a mantra or koan or a gnome Heraclitean to take with you and learn from, the Sphinx as a symbol on a rock hard, put on a column to be revered, not thrown in the bottom of a cliff "(J. Hillman," Variations on the Oedipus " , ed. Cortina, 1992, pp. 103-104).
Calaf We will see that will not make the same mistake of Oedipus, which is to think you've now solved it all and enjoy the fruit of the alleged victory.

The comparison of Turandot with the Sphinx is not random, because, beyond the beauty, even in Turandot, impenetrable and hard as jade, unrelenting and cold as a sword, lurks a kind of monstrous, complex and higher-level, more important and powerful than a simple woman. It is, in relation to the myth of the hero, dragon and princess at the same time: one who poses the question of death and the prize of the solution.

also raise issues that the puzzles are obviously important, because in fairy tales, as in dreams, nothing is random and should also pay attention to detail. While the Sphinx Oedipus presents a unique puzzle-centered, Turandot it requires the solution of three, in a wonderful crescendo: the solutions are the hope, blood, and, as the last, his very name. As you can see, there are random problems and primarily concern herself more than the challenger, because that frozen without hope, without an attitude that prevents blood flow faster with the emotions, but also alienated from the founding principle of the feminine and therefore alien to itself and reduced to only as "rank" and therefore formal, it's her. Turandot is as if the prince had put the puzzle itself, research that she can not do because the victim of resentment already petrified by the defense.
Oversimplified, the Sphinx asked Oedipus: "Who are you?" While Turandot asks: "Who am I?". It is always possible, at bottom, the riddle of his own genuine identity.

Click here for the text of "Stranger, listen."

Stranger, listen:
"In the dark night flies an iridescent phantom.
Salt and explains the wings on the black infinite humanity.
Worldwide invoking the prayer and the whole world.
But the ghost disappears coll'aurora
to be reborn in the heart .
And every night is born and dies every day! "

Yes! Reborn! Reborn in exultation
me away with him, Turandot: Hope!

Hope! Hope! Hope!

Yes, the hope that always disappoints!
"Guizza like a flame, and is not flame.
is sometimes delirium. It is a rush fever and fervor!
inertia it turns into a languor.
If you lose or pass away, it cools.
If you dream of conquest, flares, glows!
has a tremulous voice that you listen, and
the vivid glow of the sunset! "

Look out, stranger!

is for life! Speak!
Look out, stranger! Speak!

and love!

Yes, Princess! flares and set langue,
if you look at me in my veins: Blood!

The Blood! The Blood! The Blood!

Courage, melter of puzzles!

Strike those cowards!
"Ice which gives fire and ice takes more from your fire!
Candida and dark! If you want to make you free a slave. If t'accetta
servant, makes you king! "
, stranger, you bleach the fear
And you feel lost!
, stranger, giving the cold fire, what is it?

The My victory gave you to me now!
My fire will thaw: Turandot!

Turandot! Turandot! Turandot!

Turandot! Turandot!
Glory, glory, or winner!
you smile life! Do you love the smile!
Ten thousand years to our Emperor!
Light, ruler of the world!

E. Marton, J. Carreras

M. Caballé, L. Pavarotti

G. Dimitrova, P. Domingo

M. Dragoni, G. Tieppo

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Is It Possible To Have One Herpe

Turandot (10 ) - Revenge

In a memorable aria ("In this palace Turandot ..."), explains the reason for such cruelty. His resentment toward men and the subsequent project of revenge have very roots old, more than one thousand years (but, you know, are the days of fairy tales do not start ...), and even violence from a person but by a criminal act perpetrated on an ancient ancestor, Princess Lou-Ling by a man, the king of the Tartars.
The identification of the ancient princess Turandot is total and the hatred of the rapist is acting as a need for revenge, including all men with a logic of generalization (= a man was violent all men are violent) typical complexes very deep.

If we stop only at a psychological reading staff (assuming the insult received from Lou-Ling as a rape of Turandot in the distant past, childhood, and placed further back from moving up and an ancestor in which she acknowledges), the behavior of Turandot, as unjust and odious, it was explained: it is an old trauma (better sex, according to the canons Freudian) , an early and profound narcissistic wound, from which a terrible plan of revenge, a project that becomes the goal of a lifetime, so much has suffered the frustration and anger built up. We know that the humiliation and trauma, as are old and deep, much more active pathological behaviors, and that the narcissistic rage is really destructive and long lasting.

But this is a fairy tale, and it is therefore legitimate not only to stop personal level but try to go further to expand the level of understanding, which allows the material archetypal fable. And here we return to the moon. As a symbol of the female world, the moon is the very center of matriarchal consciousness, and Turandot - identified with the moon - is itself the image of impersonal, almost like a lunar goddess, the original principle Matriarchal that informed and dominated the entire ' humanity before the upper hand and the affirmation in an increasingly violent and soppraffacente of patriarchy, with the shift of consciousness and its values \u200b\u200bto the male. Here then is that the "thousand years" have more meaning, and that the offended ancestor becomes a wound still relevant, because the matriarchal consciousness, raped and displaced thousands of years ago, still bears a bleeding wound and reconciliation is not yet ...
Following this interpretation, Liu also acquires a new meaning: it is the part of female consciousness that has acceded to the new development without feeling alienated and dispossessed, but it can - even within the patriarchy - and try to achieve its objective in it's own creation. Certainly this is that often the grip at the service of man and his needs: he remained a slave. It is as if, broadly speaking, there were two lines of development in the female part virginal which opposes brooding resentment and seeking revenge on the men in various ways (penis envy, competitiveness, depreciation ...), and a party who has found a way to adapt and, above all thanks to the feeling. Turandot and Liu may therefore represent two divergent lines of development of women, opposed to each other, to come into conflict in a dramatic way to finally emerge a "new woman": the new Turandot.

This is a simplification to fit this story, but in reality things are more complex and the two lines drawn are enriched in meaning if we consider the differentiation of consciousness and its various components. Already in ancient greek (to stay in the mainstream of our culture of origin), the principle Matriarchal dall'archetipo only represented the "great mother" and the moon, both in the positive than in negative (fertility and sterility, life and death), progressively incarnated in several different goddesses, each of which represents an aspect fodamentale (archetypal) in women, and each with two opposite sides: positive and negative, light and dark. Thus we find the look to represent Hera "wife" (in love and faithful but jealous and possessive), Demeter, the loving mother, but do not let go of her daughter, Persephone, the naive daughter close to her mother, but dependent, Aphrodite, the great goddess of beauty and amorous desire ("Cross and delight "...); Artemis, the virgin goddess who drives the youth of his followers in the mountains, the wilderness and away from men (autonomy, but hostility towards the man), Athena, goddess of intelligence, wisdom and the arts, but also warriors armed with shields and auction (protectress of heroes, but ruthless to those who - like Arachne - dare to challenge it), Hestia, goddess of the hearth and keeper of the temple priestess, extremely introverted and also separate from the other 's Olympus. These, very briefly, are the most important goddesses, and then the most important aspects of the female psyche. It goes without saying that they are present in varying degrees in all women, but the prevalence of either playing in a very different (See about the book "Goddesses in the woman's Jean S. Bolen, ed. Astrolabe).

Jung has further enriched the framework, recognizing that the woman who called a masculine Animus (the man inside the woman), a psychic party acting unfortunately too often through the unconscious and in a covert and therefore less manageable, and should complete the woman's personality, not only reducing the role which the patriarchal tradition and the social aspect addressed by the male consciousness is expected of her, but make conscious and responsible in their choices. But when the woman is in the Animus is inflated or over-exposed various problems may occur up to a true "possession", which makes uncritical and alien from the deepest core of femininity. In Turandot
we recognize the clear aspects of Athena, the virgin goddess who presides over the development of thought and ingenuity, but as the goddess is a friend of the heroes (Odysseus, Perseus) and helps them in their businesses, the princess (in reaction the trauma) is owned by Animus prevaricatorio and competitive, which freezes the eros and directs his vindictive hatred toward men. Even Artemis, the goddess directly identified with the moon is full in the character of Turandot and the strong defense of virginity echoes the cruel behavior toward Actaeon who had dared to contemplate the chaste goddess of the wilderness while they bathe naked in a river with her nymphs. And here the conversation would widen the nemesis that affects humans when his reckless behavior "profane" the nature, very important and topical subject upsetting that I can only mention here. Who knows, maybe these ideas can sprout anywhere else ...

These dynamics apply to both on a personal level (how many women are left to act a part of anger and competitiveness destructive to man, making it very difficult if not impossible, to report?) And at a broader level, and we find act in socially in need (sometimes exaggerated and violent rebellion) to overcome the old patriarchal patterns imposed on women, who wanted the woman submissive to the needs of the family, giving approval to it only as a devoted wife and mother, or as an alternative to fund similar: nurse, nurse and fellow ... (Liu, in short).

Click here for the text "In this palace."

In this palace, I'll be a thousand years and a thousand,
a desperate cry rang out.
And that cry, across race and race
took refuge here in my soul!
Princess Lou-Ling, ava sweet and serene
gloomy silence that reigns in your
in pure joy, and inflexible sfidasti
the rugged and safe domain, live again in me today!

was when the King of the Tartars
his seven flags unfurled.

Pure remember that each time,
was shock and roar of terror and weapons. The kingdom
won! E-Ling Lou, my ancestress,
dragged by a man like you, like you
foreigner, there in the cruel night
where she died her young voice!

For centuries she sleeps in his grave

or principle, which in long caravans
from all over the world come here to try your luck
I take revenge on you, on you that purity,
that cry and that death! Never a
possess me!
the horror of the killing live in my heart!
No, no! No one will ever possess me!
Ah, is reborn in me the pride of such purity!
Stranger! Do not try your luck!
The riddles are three, death is one!

No, no! The riddles are three, one is

the foreign prince offered the supreme test, or
Turandot! Turandot!

Maria Callas

Joan Sutherland

Birgit Nilsson

Eva Marton

Ghena Dimitrova

Angela Gheorghiu

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Revoke Of Power Of Attorney Formats

Turandot (9) - The fathers

In this work there are two fathers: Timur and the Emperor of China, both "noble and old." They share because their function and the psychological significance are similar. One
, Timur, the old king is deposed, then weakened and weakened, the other Altoum, while still emperor, is powerless to his daughter that he has taken an oath crowds, making it complicit in crimes that would like to avoid but can not.
We see both implored the youth to desist from addressing the test. Timur relies unnecessarily on the paternal feeling ("Son, what are you doing? Do you want to die like this? ... You step on a poor heart that bleeds in vain for you ..."), not even hesitate to resort to the old weapon (usually maternal ) of emotional blackmail: "break my heart", the Emperor tries to get rid of the guilt ("Do I may die without bearing the weight of your young life") after the careless oath to his daughter . Both are not heard, confirming their impotence.

The reason for the old king now weakened (by age, illness or other) is a classic fairy tale and shows in a precise situation: an old dominant principle is running out, and must give way to a new order, a new scale of values.
This step is never easy, sometimes it's long and painful (a severe chronic disease of kings), sometimes rapid (sudden and violent death of the king), but involves testing difficult, risky for everyone, especially for the new that must assert itself but also for the old man who does not want to give up. Sometimes you can renew without destroying the old (the search for water miraculous healing the old king), sometimes the change is more radical and drastic step (the old king must be killed).
As you can see, here is dotted with the theme of renewal, and I believe that this step is still in place: it is none other than to note the exhaustion of the old patriarchal model and work for its change. For some decades it is quite clear (the feminists have done much to highlight it), but the transition is more difficult than you think and regressions are always in action ...
But what will the new model? Obviously you can not predict the future, but the unconscious is already working for possible solutions and this story will is a prime example.
Seguiamone so closely developments because I believe that we will find the solution that is very nice and comforting. But this, you know, it's just a fairy tale and fairy tales almost always envisage a happy ending. And if we begin to read them more carefully and act on us?

The conflict between past and future, tradition and renewal (fathers and sons) is a source of constant tension because often adopts a dualistic mentality (in clear patriarchal monotheism), according to which there is only one truth and therefore a only one winner: either we defend vigorously the past entrenching reactionary positions, rejecting changes and bemoaning the "good old days ", or hurl themselves into an imagined future as uncritically wonderful and solver of all problems. Of course, these are extremist positions that serve to understand the problem most radical form, but the problem is and we should think about it.
conclude with two important quotations, one taken by a Western scientist, the other from the last great Indian philosopher and mystic. Eric K. Kandel, 2000 Nobel prize for medicine, writes: "We are what we are because of what we have learned and remember, "and Sri Aurobindo (1995):" Break the molds of the past, but keep intact its achievements and its spirit, otherwise you will not come. "

Click here for the text of "A terrible oath compels me."

A dreadful oath compels me to abide by
dark pact.
And the holy scepter I hold
drips with blood.
Enough blood! Giovine, go '!

Son of Heaven,
I beg you to try!

Fa that I may die without
carry the weight of your young life!

Son of Heaven,
I beg you to try!

not want even that was filled with horror
the Palace and the world ...

Son of Heaven, I beg you to let

Director: Zubin Mehta