Thursday, November 11, 2010

Is It Possible To Have One Herpe

Turandot (10 ) - Revenge

In a memorable aria ("In this palace Turandot ..."), explains the reason for such cruelty. His resentment toward men and the subsequent project of revenge have very roots old, more than one thousand years (but, you know, are the days of fairy tales do not start ...), and even violence from a person but by a criminal act perpetrated on an ancient ancestor, Princess Lou-Ling by a man, the king of the Tartars.
The identification of the ancient princess Turandot is total and the hatred of the rapist is acting as a need for revenge, including all men with a logic of generalization (= a man was violent all men are violent) typical complexes very deep.

If we stop only at a psychological reading staff (assuming the insult received from Lou-Ling as a rape of Turandot in the distant past, childhood, and placed further back from moving up and an ancestor in which she acknowledges), the behavior of Turandot, as unjust and odious, it was explained: it is an old trauma (better sex, according to the canons Freudian) , an early and profound narcissistic wound, from which a terrible plan of revenge, a project that becomes the goal of a lifetime, so much has suffered the frustration and anger built up. We know that the humiliation and trauma, as are old and deep, much more active pathological behaviors, and that the narcissistic rage is really destructive and long lasting.

But this is a fairy tale, and it is therefore legitimate not only to stop personal level but try to go further to expand the level of understanding, which allows the material archetypal fable. And here we return to the moon. As a symbol of the female world, the moon is the very center of matriarchal consciousness, and Turandot - identified with the moon - is itself the image of impersonal, almost like a lunar goddess, the original principle Matriarchal that informed and dominated the entire ' humanity before the upper hand and the affirmation in an increasingly violent and soppraffacente of patriarchy, with the shift of consciousness and its values \u200b\u200bto the male. Here then is that the "thousand years" have more meaning, and that the offended ancestor becomes a wound still relevant, because the matriarchal consciousness, raped and displaced thousands of years ago, still bears a bleeding wound and reconciliation is not yet ...
Following this interpretation, Liu also acquires a new meaning: it is the part of female consciousness that has acceded to the new development without feeling alienated and dispossessed, but it can - even within the patriarchy - and try to achieve its objective in it's own creation. Certainly this is that often the grip at the service of man and his needs: he remained a slave. It is as if, broadly speaking, there were two lines of development in the female part virginal which opposes brooding resentment and seeking revenge on the men in various ways (penis envy, competitiveness, depreciation ...), and a party who has found a way to adapt and, above all thanks to the feeling. Turandot and Liu may therefore represent two divergent lines of development of women, opposed to each other, to come into conflict in a dramatic way to finally emerge a "new woman": the new Turandot.

This is a simplification to fit this story, but in reality things are more complex and the two lines drawn are enriched in meaning if we consider the differentiation of consciousness and its various components. Already in ancient greek (to stay in the mainstream of our culture of origin), the principle Matriarchal dall'archetipo only represented the "great mother" and the moon, both in the positive than in negative (fertility and sterility, life and death), progressively incarnated in several different goddesses, each of which represents an aspect fodamentale (archetypal) in women, and each with two opposite sides: positive and negative, light and dark. Thus we find the look to represent Hera "wife" (in love and faithful but jealous and possessive), Demeter, the loving mother, but do not let go of her daughter, Persephone, the naive daughter close to her mother, but dependent, Aphrodite, the great goddess of beauty and amorous desire ("Cross and delight "...); Artemis, the virgin goddess who drives the youth of his followers in the mountains, the wilderness and away from men (autonomy, but hostility towards the man), Athena, goddess of intelligence, wisdom and the arts, but also warriors armed with shields and auction (protectress of heroes, but ruthless to those who - like Arachne - dare to challenge it), Hestia, goddess of the hearth and keeper of the temple priestess, extremely introverted and also separate from the other 's Olympus. These, very briefly, are the most important goddesses, and then the most important aspects of the female psyche. It goes without saying that they are present in varying degrees in all women, but the prevalence of either playing in a very different (See about the book "Goddesses in the woman's Jean S. Bolen, ed. Astrolabe).

Jung has further enriched the framework, recognizing that the woman who called a masculine Animus (the man inside the woman), a psychic party acting unfortunately too often through the unconscious and in a covert and therefore less manageable, and should complete the woman's personality, not only reducing the role which the patriarchal tradition and the social aspect addressed by the male consciousness is expected of her, but make conscious and responsible in their choices. But when the woman is in the Animus is inflated or over-exposed various problems may occur up to a true "possession", which makes uncritical and alien from the deepest core of femininity. In Turandot
we recognize the clear aspects of Athena, the virgin goddess who presides over the development of thought and ingenuity, but as the goddess is a friend of the heroes (Odysseus, Perseus) and helps them in their businesses, the princess (in reaction the trauma) is owned by Animus prevaricatorio and competitive, which freezes the eros and directs his vindictive hatred toward men. Even Artemis, the goddess directly identified with the moon is full in the character of Turandot and the strong defense of virginity echoes the cruel behavior toward Actaeon who had dared to contemplate the chaste goddess of the wilderness while they bathe naked in a river with her nymphs. And here the conversation would widen the nemesis that affects humans when his reckless behavior "profane" the nature, very important and topical subject upsetting that I can only mention here. Who knows, maybe these ideas can sprout anywhere else ...

These dynamics apply to both on a personal level (how many women are left to act a part of anger and competitiveness destructive to man, making it very difficult if not impossible, to report?) And at a broader level, and we find act in socially in need (sometimes exaggerated and violent rebellion) to overcome the old patriarchal patterns imposed on women, who wanted the woman submissive to the needs of the family, giving approval to it only as a devoted wife and mother, or as an alternative to fund similar: nurse, nurse and fellow ... (Liu, in short).

Click here for the text "In this palace."

In this palace, I'll be a thousand years and a thousand,
a desperate cry rang out.
And that cry, across race and race
took refuge here in my soul!
Princess Lou-Ling, ava sweet and serene
gloomy silence that reigns in your
in pure joy, and inflexible sfidasti
the rugged and safe domain, live again in me today!

was when the King of the Tartars
his seven flags unfurled.

Pure remember that each time,
was shock and roar of terror and weapons. The kingdom
won! E-Ling Lou, my ancestress,
dragged by a man like you, like you
foreigner, there in the cruel night
where she died her young voice!

For centuries she sleeps in his grave

or principle, which in long caravans
from all over the world come here to try your luck
I take revenge on you, on you that purity,
that cry and that death! Never a
possess me!
the horror of the killing live in my heart!
No, no! No one will ever possess me!
Ah, is reborn in me the pride of such purity!
Stranger! Do not try your luck!
The riddles are three, death is one!

No, no! The riddles are three, one is

the foreign prince offered the supreme test, or
Turandot! Turandot!

Maria Callas

Joan Sutherland

Birgit Nilsson

Eva Marton

Ghena Dimitrova

Angela Gheorghiu


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