Saturday, November 20, 2010

What Does Cm Look Like Around Period Time

Turandot Act III (12) - The revival

Here begins the most original part of the story, a variation from the classical theme of the hero, at least in the West (in the East and in other cultures there are well-established alternative, but this is a topic that would take us too away, even if is close to my heart and hope to deal with it at length elsewhere), where the victory is always followed by the appropriation and use of the spoils, even as a princess, never ask if you agree (you assume).
Turandot does not want to accept defeat ("No, no, I'll be yours! I do not want, I will not!") And the face of such resistance Unknown Prince declares that he does not want by force, but "all burning with love", although even the emperor would be willing to keep the sacred oath, to compel the union forced daughter.
He raises the challenge once again at your own risk: arises voluntarily at the mercy of Turandot, which was given the opportunity to kill again before dawn if you manage to know his name.
is taking place a mirror very important: it was revealed the name of the princess, now must be given the name of the man, the prince still "unknown", so that the reciprocity to begin operations, the darkness will give way to light , to frost heat.

remember that at the beginning of the work, when there is an encounter with his father, we are told that Timur is the deposed king of the Tartars, then it is the Crown Prince Calaf. But we know that the very same Turandot Tartar King was guilty of the crime against the sweet Lou-Ling. And now it's the prince of the Tartars who must repair the horror aroused by his ancestor is even more significant. If revenge is by far, the repair also comes through the lengthy process of generations, from father to son, according to biblical times and archetypal ...
What had been taken by force must be regained by love! It is a principle that seems obvious, but that is totally new to the heroic mentality based on conquest, war, victory, booty. That love is stronger than the law has already been announced by Christ two thousand years ago (Gospel = good news), but the Western consciousness, despite having formally accepted, has never really done his and fully understood, being perched on the "rights" and then the winners of the strongest and doers.

In Buddhist teaching, he coached the East consciences, through yogic practices, the non-attachment and desire and the tranquility of the soul, and with Gandhi's was the only real attempt enforcement policies " non-violence " but we know that the dominant culture remains rooted in the mentality of the heroic struggle that results in the abasement of the opponent ("rogue states"!).
So the attitude of Calaf is absolutely new! He tries to win, "placing itself under," at the mercy of others. It is not passive or defeatist, much less depressed or victim is indeed full of hope that was the solution to the first question, his blood is warm and generous as the second and do not want to surrender to the One who is defying death, which is the same award last riddle.
Maybe we can find a similar attempt to redeem him to undergo female Prince Myshkin in Dostoevsky's (Anti-hero par excellence ...), and certainly the charm of the Russian character is in full candor and boundless mercy and compassion, however, very different attitudes from the hot passion of Calaf and his active spirit (he remains a hero, even if a solution is different from the classic heroes).
that the behavior of Calaf is centered on eros, while that of Turandot is centered on the logos, it seems that they want to overthrow the clichés queen eros woman and man ruler of the logos. But Jung has taught us how these categories are relevant where they relate to men and women in particular, and have a valid "archetypal," that allude to forms of ways of structuring principles: male and female as aspects of differentiation of the universal consciousness, as well as day and night are part of a single time through differentiated opposites.
The female counterpart in humans is called by Jung "Anima" and is a function primarily of the report, which regulates and determines the quality of the emotional world and man's relationship with one's inner world and the outside, especially with the woman . It goes without saying that those who do have a soul more diverse and better trained people are more open to feeling and eros. In this sense, Calaf is certainly a man whose soul is well developed and can drive safely there where another outcome.

Click here for the lyrics of "Son of Heaven."

Son of Heaven! Father August!
Do not throw your daughter into the arms of the stranger!

oath is sacred!

No, do not say! Your daughter is sacred!
can not give me to him,
to him as a slave.
Ah, no! Your daughter is sacred!

can not give me to him like a slave die of shame!
not look at me like that!
you who mock my pride,
do not look like that!
I will not be yours! No, I will not be yours!
I do not want I will not!

oath is sacred!

oath is sacred!
Won, Princess!
He offered his life for you!

never possess me no!

the reward of his daring!

in your arms I want to force
reluctant, quivering?

is sacred and holy,
is sacred oath is sacred!

No, no, alters Princess!
I want you all burning with love!

Courageous! Bold!
Courageous! O cool!

Three puzzles hast proposed, and three
I solved.
only one to do you propose: The
not know my name. Tell me my name.
Tell me my name before dawn, and dawn
die ...

Heaven forbid that with the first sun
my son you are!

At your feet we prostrate ourselves,
Light, ruler of the world!
for your wisdom, for your kindness
we give ourselves to you, happy in humility,
you go up our love!
Ten thousand years to our Emperor!
To you, the heir-Hien Wang gridiam us:
Ten thousand years to our Emperor!
Hold high the flags!
Glory! Glory!
Eva Marton, Placido Domingo

L. Udovich, F. Corelli

B. Nilsson & G. Cecchele


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